Anti-Aging & Longevity Secrets – Episode

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In this week's episode...

This week we have a special guest, Brian Vaszily, from Listen in as Brian shares a very positive message – in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing, your middle-years and beyond truly are meant to be your “best years.” And he provides people a wide range of research and solutions, along with a healthy dose of inspiration, to help ensure you start living your best years now.

Empowering you Organically – Season 6 – Episode 39 

Title: Anti-Aging & Longevity Secrets 

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker & TeriAnn Trevenen 

Guest: Brian Vaszily 

Description:  This week we have a special guest, Brian Vaszily, from Listen in as Brian shares a very positive message – in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing, your middle-years and beyond truly are meant to be your “best years.” And he provides people a wide range of research and solutions, along with a healthy dose of inspiration, to help ensure you start living your best years now.   

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About Founder Brian Vaszily 

Brian Vaszily (Vay-Zlee) is a popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher who opposes the widespread perception that getting older is a disease that should be shunned, and who instead supports the truth that your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond can and should be the best years of your life. 

Brian is the founder and host at, where he’s already amassed a following of over 50,000 supporters for his mission, and where, in his own words…   “We’re changing the very definition of ‘anti-aging’ to mean you’re against all the lies commonly associated with getting older, such as that hitting your 40s and beyond means you’re doomed to become increasingly undesirable, incapable, invisible, and past your best years.”  Instead, so many people have embraced because Brian shares a very positive message – in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing, your middle-years and beyond truly are meant to be your “best years.”   And he provides people a wide range of research and solutions, along with a healthy dose of inspiration, to help ensure you start living your best years now.     

Aging Myths 

Dismiss the notion that getting older is a diseaseThese aging myths are so widespread and so unchallenged that they’re largely accepted as fact, just like all those ugly and demeaning myths about women once were in our culture. 

  • Getting older means becoming increasingly undesirable  
  • Getting older means becoming increasingly incapable. 
  • Getting older means increased pain and suffering. 
  • Getting older means becoming increasingly invisible. 

  Changes to Make  What you put in your ‘being’? Whatever you feed yourself you become. 

  • Diet – less sugar and refined flours and more organic vegetables. 
  • Media – control what you allow into your mind. 
  • People – let go of toxic relationships and focus on positive relationships. 
  • Toxins – switch to clean and natural personal care and household products. 
  • Movement – increase your activity level throughout the day. 

  Where to start? 

  • Become aware and educate yourself. 
  • Don’t try to do everything at once. Pick an area and work on it. 
  • Avoid overwhelm by making this a lifestyle and not a quick fix. 
  • Consider a detox to help jump-start the process. 

  The Art of Aging  Truth #1: Youth-Obsession and the Aging Bias are Real and Dangerous 

  • We live in a youth-obsessed culture that shoves people — especially women — between a rock and a hard place, setting impossible expectations on the one hand while pushing you to accept some extremely destructive myths about getting older on the other. 
  • This creates a seriously twisted bias against getting older, where the gold standard of life is portrayed as somewhere in the 20s, while hitting your 40s and beyond is portrayed as a downward spiral into increasing insignificance, ugliness, and misery. 

  Truth #2: The Lies Actually Cause You to Look and Feel Significantly Older 

  • Ironically and disturbingly, these ugly aging myths are actually causing people to look and feel 7 to 15 older than they should, and to die 10 to 20 years earlier than they should, as you’re about to see. 



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Episode 39 – Anti-Aging & Longevity Secrets 

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Episode 39 – Anti-Aging & Longevity Secrets 

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Jonathan Hunsaker: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m joined by my co-host, TeriAnn Trevenen.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Hey, everyone. 

 Jonathan Hunsaker: And also, we have a very special guest today, Mr. Brian Vaszily. Brian’s a good friend of mine, and just he has an amazing story. So, I’ll let TeriAnn kind of go through his bio real quick.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yes, Mr. Brian Vaszily. We’re so excited to have you here today. He is a popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher who opposes the widespread perception that getting older is a disease that should be shunned, and who instead, supports the truth that your 40s, 50s, and 60s, and beyond, can and should be the best years of your life.    Brian is the founder and host at, where he’s already amassed a following of over 50,000 supporters for his mission, and where, in his own words, they’re changing the very definition of anti-aging to mean you’re against all the lies commonly associated with getting older, such as that hitting your 40s and beyond means you’re doomed to becoming increasingly undesirable and capable and visible, and past your best years.    Instead, so many people have embraced, because Brian shares a very positive message in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing, your middle years and beyond truly are meant to be your best years. They provide a range of research and solutions along with a healthy dose of inspiration to help make sure you start living your best years now. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: Welcome, Brian.   

Brian Vaszily: Well guys, thank you so much for having me on. I even trimmed the beard for the occasion.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: So, you created a whole summit on You interviewed a lot of different experts that came on, and I know you shared all of that information, just with the world for free. I think it’s phenomenal what you did. What’s the biggest thing that you learned when it comes to anti-aging, or slowing down aging, or even reversing aging? What was the biggest takeaway?   

Brian Vaszily: That’s a great question, Jon. So, I went into it already having a mission, if you will, in the idea that anti-aging and getting older was widely perceived as, unfortunately, as a disease, as something to shun. And I noticed a lot of people, especially women, including women very close to me in my own life, who are very powerful women, feeling challenged by that notion, really challenged by this notion out there that getting older is a disease.    So, after, during and after the summit, it only hit home to me more and more and more, as I interviewed this wide range of doctors and other experts in longevity and healthy aging, that it is indeed anything but a disease. That is just a mindset that’s put in motion out there by all kinds of powers that be. But the reality is, in the name of the summit, that your best years can and really do start now.    I saw people, they’re really coming into their own when they’re hitting their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond, and in ancient cultures, they used to, far more so than we do today, elevate and praise and look up to people. Now that’s not to say every single person in that age bracket’s a wise soul. I mean not necessarily true.    But by and large, your wisest souls are going to be 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, and beyond, because these people, by and large, understand life a whole lot more than those of us, I guess I’m right on that cusp, those of those who are younger than that period. So, in every facet of the world, including from a health perspective, 40s, 50s, 60s, even 70s, should be people’s best years of their life. And that was really driven home to me in these powerful interviews I did with these wonderful experts I had.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I agree with you. I think we’ve lost a lot of that in our culture, especially here in the US, of respecting our elders, looking up to our elders, even having that relationship with our elders. And for me, to kind of pivot a little bit, I mean the whole conversation of longevity, anti-aging, I just turned 40 last year, so I’m right there at that point. I’m looking at things, how do I stay looking young? I’m starting to get a lot more wrinkles, I’m starting to feel my body ache and pain, creak, and all kinds of other stuff that it didn’t used to do. So, what was—I mean what was the overall theme? I mean is the overall theme diet changes that can help slow down aging. Was the overall theme sleeping more? I mean what advice would you give, not only to myself, but others, who are just looking to stay feeling younger?   

Brian Vaszily: Sure. Yeah, well, yeah, I’ve got maybe about 10 years on you.   I’m just going to be turning 50 in the not too distant future. And I feel better than I ever have in my whole life because of—the answer that I’ll give you—the changes that I implemented. It’s really tough to say what one thing. If someone had that gun to my head right now, I would have to say, if there was just this one single change you need to make in your life, the one single word is, yes, in your diet, certainly.    But I often answer that question in this. What you put inside your being is everything. What you allow inside your being, and I’m very specific in not saying just inside your mouth. And if I was going to advocate to you, Jon, to you, TeriAnn, to anybody, here’s my one single piece of advice, is become acutely aware of what you are allowing inside your being, meaning what are you putting in your mouth, but also, what are you allowing inside your head. It’s whatever you feed yourself is what you’re going to become.    So of course, if you’re feeding yourself foods that are high sugar, and foods that are processed flour, or loaded with toxins, or supplements that are loaded with toxins, it’s not—it surprises a lot of people, but it really shouldn’t, that’s what they’re going to become. That’s—they’re going to go down that path. And so, it is with the insights, the information that you allow inside your being, if you are exposing yourself to the—what do they say in media? Lead with the blood, with all of the terrible things that are going on in the world.    And you’re watching the nightly news every night in your region, and this is what you spend your time doing, or you’re listening to a lot of the pharmaceutical drug commercials in between, I mean any type of information in your head, you’re feeding yourself. I mean you are allowing that inside your being, and it’s the same result as eating high-sugar foods on a constant basis. That’s what you’re going to become. You’re going to become paranoid, down, depressed, anxious. And so, that is the one single thing I would stress most is become extremely aware of what you’re allowing inside your being.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and I think, too, and also when you were talking about that, it makes me think about the people who are around you that you allow to influence what’s going on inside of you as well, because we are what we put into our body. I love that you said that. What we’re doing is what we become. What we eat, what we’re letting in. And I think that comes, too, with aging and wisdom. Who are you letting be in your circle? Because you’re hearing them, you’re interacting with them, you’re spending time with them, and that feeds into it as well. And so, I think you have to be—I love that you said that—be acutely aware of what you’re becoming from what you’re putting into your body, what you’re internalizing. But also, the thoughts in my head went to that really is a huge factor in it as well, is who are you surrounding yourself with? 

Brian Vaszily: Absolutely.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: That influences yourself as well in what you’re doing with your body, with your mind, with your emotions. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I love the insight of what are you putting into your body, and not just eating. Because there’s—and I talk about this in other podcasts and other videos. I mean we have these 24-hour news networks that sensationalize everything, and it’s doom and gloom, and they blow everything out of proportion just to get a reaction. It’s like if that’s what you’re filling your head with and your body with, and those kinds of emotions, it’s going to be toxic.    That is toxic, the 24-hour news channels. Eating the toxic foods, being around toxic people. And you talk about—I know you’ve talked about, in your summit, hidden toxins. Like what other toxins are there that people may not be as aware of? So, we know, let’s kind of stay away from some of the food toxins, let’s stay away from some of the people toxins, let’s stay away from some of the media toxins. What are some other toxins that people should eliminate from their life?   

Brian Vaszily: Right. And it is. It’s really a process of becoming aware and then deciding what you eliminate and what you add in. And so, in terms of elimination, well first of all, I want to stress to everybody this as well. Another thing that I knew and that I knew even more after interviewing so many wonderful people, you can’t do it all. And I don’t ever want anyone to feel overwhelmed that there are all these toxins that they’re allowing in, and “Man, I’ve got to cut it all out now.” It’s not like that. That’s bound to fail. It’s deciding for yourself what are the most important toxins first to start eliminating, and it’s a journey. So, to answer your question, Jon, some of the most prevalent ones that a lot of people don’t pay attention to are inside of, A, products that they’re slathering on their skin, and also, products that are surrounding them in their home and office. We do think a lot. Organixx has done a fantastic job of offering really pure supplements to the world, which I absolutely love.  It’s one of my—I mean they’re highly effective, but I love that fact that they are so pure. And that’s important, and it’s the same thing with skincare products. Become acutely aware. It’s just important at least to know. That doesn’t mean you can eliminate everything on your shelves tomorrow. That’s impractical for most people.    But become acutely aware of those ingredients that are the most—the worst of the worst, and they are pretty bad, and so on. So, like phthalates, just an incredibly hard word to say, an even harder word to spell, P-H-T-H-A-L-A-T-E-S. I might have got it wrong, but anyway,phthalates, avoid those, for example. Parabens, avoid those as well in skincare products. You’re feeding your skin.    Again, this is something you’re allowing inside your body, like we talked about, inside your being. When you put stuff on your skin, a lot of people don’t necessarily make that connection, your skin’s eating basically, and that’s what it’s eating. And around your home, well, you spend at least, or you should at least spend about 7-8 hours a night in one place every single day, and that’s your bedroom, on your bed.    If you’re going to focus on having anything be pure as possible, you’re going to want to pay attention to your pillows, and your mattresses, and things like that. If you’re sitting in an office far too long every day, like I do, like I think you guys do as well, you’re going to want to make sure that there’s things inside of your office that are not extremely destructive at least, and then slowly, over time, just scale more and more to anti-toxin, I guess we’d say.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I think that’s phenomenal. And I know that a lot of people, I’m not going to say a lot of people know this, but clearly, what you’re putting on your skin is toxic, and it’s getting absorbed into your body. And maybe it does help you look a little bit younger on the outside, temporarily, but over time, those toxins get absorbed into your body, and then you look older after time, over time, because you’re filling your body with more and more toxins.    Do you advocate doing detoxes in terms of your body? I mean how—what would you suggest for somebody that maybe has been using less than clean makeups and lotions and things like that? Is there a way to kind of detox the body to help start fresh?   

Brian Vaszily: Well, I mean beauty, it’s an inside-out and outside-in process. And the wonderful thing, by the way, about the skin, is that unlike a lot of other organs of the body, it’s incredible fast to respond to positive changes, comparatively speaking to a lot of other pieces and parts of your body. And so, people, again, even those in their 70s, even beyond 70s, 80s, will see results when they start doing the right things.   And yes, detoxing is certainly one of those important things. And that is—I mean detox, you can use—you could say that word many ways, but to use your products, for example, is certainly an effective part of the process. That’s not just going to clean out your insides. Your skin is connected to the rest of your body.    So, it’s going to have a marvelous impact on the way you look as well, and the way you feel right now, not to mention preventing disease and all that other good stuff down the line, in the future. And so, it is, from the inside, detoxing. From the outside, again, eliminating. It’s a process of elimination. If you—I don’t know, people range anywhere from a single product to several products. I’ve got women in my life who are close to me, who I don’t even know what all these products on the shelf are that they’re using. I’ve become very acquainted with all of them, actually, over time here.    But so, I would say just scale down, a step-by-step process to detox. Also means to, literally, get rid of the toxins. And I would say just watch those labels, do the research. You can go to We publish articles on this as well about what are the most toxic. I named a couple, like parabens, which is pretty wide—hopefully, pretty widely-known that you should avoid those in products. So yes, it’s elimination, and then bringing the good in as well.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Well, and I think it’s interesting, talking about this concept of not only what you’re putting in your mouth, but what you’re putting on your skin. Jonathan and I were just talking the other day, when it comes to organic food and organic choices, we feel like it’s more mainstream now because it’s more readily available, but people are still so uneducated, they really are, in understanding what is organic, non-GMO? Well, it’s even worse for me, in my opinion, when we talk about what we’re putting on our skin. There’s not a lot of regulations, there’s not a lot of information brought to the public, the general public, on what’s in your products.   And a lot of women are just using these products not even thinking about what’s on the label. Just like we encourage people, read what’s on the label, and it should be easy to read what’s on the label in your food products, the same goes for skincare products. And there’s just not—I love that you’re bringing attention to it, because there’s not enough attention on it right now.    People are not educated. Even though this organic food movement has grown so big, it still only scratched the surface. We haven’t even scratched the surface on everyday products that are in our bathroom cabinet that we’re using, lotion, makeup, shampoo, conditioner, hair spray, nail polish, nail polish remover, toothpaste. I mean all these things we’re using; I mean the list goes on and on and on.    And there are people out there who are providing good products, but you’ve got to read your labels, do your homework, do your research, understand what you’re using. And people don’t connect, like exactly what you said, just like the things you’re putting in your mouth, your skin’s absorbing as much as your mouth absorbs when you’re eating food, if not more.    And so, be careful of what you’re putting on there. And I think it’s great that you’re bringing awareness to it, because we need to scratch the surface on this industry and call for more regulation, and people to be more aware so that we can get more natural products into the lineup, so people are more exposed to that. 

Brian Vaszily: Right. Well, I like to accentuate the positive, certainly in all my communications, and I think that’s been part of the draw. That said, you can’t run away from the truth of the matter. I mean the truth, you hit a marvelous, a series of marvelous points there, TeriAnn. And part, a big part of the truth, I talked about it at the very beginning, I think is mindset.    And the problem, the problem is that you’ve got—it’s a multi-multi-multi-billion dollar industry, the cosmetic industry, just like the food industry, just like the drug industry. And clearly, they’re out there to make some maximum profit. They’re beholden to shareholders. That’s their main mode of driver. Okay, so it is. So, any I think sensible person is going to know, “Okay, if I think about that a moment, that means they don’t necessarily have my best interest in mind.”   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Right.   

Brian Vaszily: “They’re not literally out to hurt me. Nobody’s sitting there “Ha-ha, we’ve got to get… What they want to do is make a lot of money,” and they make a lot of money. Alright, so how do they do that? Well, they do it—I’ll pare it way down. They do it in two ways. Number one, they perpetuate this message of guilt, shame, and fear, when it comes, for example, as the cosmetic industry, that getting older is a bad thing, and you need to, instead of looking your absolute best now, you need to look like you’re 21 again.    No, you don’t. No, you don’t. You want—you just want to look your best, and there’s a lot you could do for that, but you don’t want to look 21. That’s nonsense. And it’s just perpetuating this fear and shame about getting older so that we can then sell you our stuff. And this stuff is, I’ll be frank, I mean a lot of it’s cheaply-made. It’s cheaply-made.    That’s what a lot of artificial and synthetic chemicals are. They’re corners. They’re cutting corners. That’s what it amounts to, so stuff can sit on a shelf for years. There’s a million reasons for it. But the point is, it’s not good for you. And like Jon said a short while ago, it may have an immediate, some of it may have, an immediate impact on your appearance.    Okay, so maybe it will lift lines, but not too long thereafter, it can have all kinds of detrimental effects, including on the way you look, which is ironic, not to mention the way you feel, not to mention how long you live and how well you live. So, yeah, I really can’t stress enough, as people become, like you said, more and more aware of this, they’re going to have to change.    The beautiful news is, there are great companies, just like Organixx, in the supplement space. I mean there are. It’s very small, I think it’s still hard to find in the cosmetic space, but it’s growing. They’re probably several steps behind. I think Organixx has taken a lead in the supplement—is one of the companies that has taken a giant lead in the supplement industry. I think 5-10 years from now, everyone’s going to try to be playing catchup with you guys in the supplement space. And this is going to happen in the cosmetic space, too. So, there is change happening.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and people are waking up to it. I mean there’s a makeup company that one of my really good friends exposed me to, and it was so much smaller a few years ago. I think their name is Morning Grass, and they have amazing natural products, and now they’re growing exponentially, like they can’t even keep up with their orders. So, people are waking up to it. But you have to do your homework, know where you’re spending your money, know what’s in the products, really understand what the labels are. It’s so important. So, I think people are waking up to it, but it’s going to take a big movement to get more people on board with it. 

Brian Vaszily: Right.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, it’s frustrating that you’re getting into the supplement space, realizing how 98 percent of the companies out there are cutting corners, putting synthetics, putting garbage out there, toxins out there. And I’ve said it before on other podcasts, I mean we could make some of our products for $3 a bottle if we wanted to use garbage ingredients. Instead, it costs us six times that to make some of it. And so, the profits aren’t there, the margin’s not there.    And it makes it a lot harder on a business that way. But the difference is, you get so much higher quality. And so, and I’ve said this before, I mean we vote with our dollars, right? So, we may not be able to afford everything organic, we may not be able to afford all of that stuff, but the more that we transition our lives to organic, whether that’s makeup, supplements, food, whatever it is, then the more people can create organic, and it’s going to drive the price down more and more, [distorted audio 0:21:10]    

TeriAnn Trevenen: [crosstalk 0:21:24] you made the comment, it’s very cheaply made, but then they turn around and spend all this money on it. Not only do you speak with what you’re spending your money on, but that’s your hard-earned money. We talk about this all the time. Like you’re spending your money for bad effects of the products you’re taking. People really have to internalize that. It’s this cheap product you’re spending all this money to buy, and then you’re going to end up spending money fixing the problems as a result of what you’re putting on and in your body later. 

Brian Vaszily: Yeah.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: It’s a vicious cycle. It’s crazy, it’s crazy. 

Brian Vaszily: Yeah, yeah. You know? It’s funny. Because I’ve been in the natural health/wellness industry for 20 years now, and I’ve seen that argument slowly die. But I understand. People, it’s hard to spend money, and people naturally react to that, when you can go to a Wal-Mart, for example, and see a supplement that might call itself turmeric, on the shelf, and spend 10 bucks on that, or 8 bucks, or whatever it might cost, and then they might see a true turmeric with high quality, done right.    I love Organixx’s turmeric, and it’s three-four times more money, five times more money. Of course, there’s initial reaction. “What? What’s wrong? You guys are trying to gouge, blah-blah-blah.” I think that’s slowly dying down, because people are starting now to understand, “Wait a minute, these are the good guys, because they’re actually making this right, and they’re doing it in a way that’s actually going to help me, it’s not designed to sell mass units and profit this giant organization.”    I mean the fact is this. I’ve been around this so long, I’ve been—I’ve helped build some major businesses. I know you guys have done this a long time. And if I was evil schemer and I wanted to, I could go out there and I could create a bunch of crap filled with synthetics myself. I could sell it for $17, or less than that, put all this glitzy marketing behind it, and sell the living heck out of it.    But I’m in this, like you guys are in this, because we care. We care about people who want to be a part of that positive change, which again, loops all the way back to what we started to say, a podcast like this, a newsletter like ours over at The Art Of Anti Aging, any of these things, these are the positive, the good guys and gals that people want to allow inside of their being, but unfortunately, a lot of people are still getting their messaging from the influence, let’s just say, of big pharma and big cosmetology, cosmetics and all these other industries. But it’s changing. It’s a good thing. Slowly but surely.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: It is, definitely. It’s not on the mainstream, right? And so, it’s little organic podcasts like this, it’s your summit, it’s reaching people directly, and it’s the grassroots movement that is going to make this big change here for us. So, share with me some other insights. What else did you learn from doing this summit? What other things could you tell our listeners that would just be an awesome a-ha moment for them?   

Brian Vaszily: Yeah, I’m not sure they haven’t heard this one before, and right now, all three of us, I think, are sitting down. I know I am. And it’s one of the worst things we can do. It’s funny, because in this summit, here’s what—and by the way, I played that summit to a very limited release. And we saw, wow, it had such amazing feedback, that I’m going to go to a much, much wider volume on repeating that summit.   If people are interested in that, they can go to, check that out. But I asked this question, again, from a range of different experts. What are the three most essential things people should do/must do to look their best, feel their best, and live a long live doing it? And I asked that question, three most essentials, because there is an overload also of information out there, including from experts, and it can be—it’s enriching, but it can also be overwhelming to people.    I’m like “Okay, let’s hit each other in the heart of the matter here. Your three most essential things, Dr. This, Dr. That. What are your most three essential things?” And I’d say, from ¾ of them, even if it wasn’t one of their three most essentials, it came up, was moving more. Move, move, move. Get up and move around.    Exercise. It doesn’t necessarily mean to hit the gym and grunt, and all that good stuff if that’s not your thing. You can get up and move around in so many different ways. But we all know this kind of in theory, but clearly, we’re not all practicing in fact, is make every single effort in your life to find more ways to stay off your butt, to be frank about it, and keep moving around.    I love that game in parking lots, and I still see this game all the time, when you go to a store, or a restaurant, or wherever you’re going, how people swarm and try to find those closest spots. And people will drive two, three times around, trying to hit it. And I’m like “Okay, this is a statement about where we are at today, when the thing that they all need to be doing is going way out to the edge of the parking lot and parking up there and walking all that way.” So…   TeriAnn Trevenen: Take the stairs instead of the elevator. I see it all the time, too. I mean it’s simple things like that, that you get just that much more movement in your day. Yeah, powerful. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: I’m standing, by the way, I’m not sitting.   

Brian Vaszily: Okay.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: And I work at a standing desk for that reason. I do have chairs, I sit down every once in a while, but I’m standing on a padding mat, you know the difference of just sitting, being sedentary, just what that does to our bodies. Alright, that’s an excellent one. What’s another one?   

Brian Vaszily: So, I’m the only lazy sitter here right now, huh?   

TeriAnn Trevenen: I’m sitting in a tall chair. You’re in good company. But I have a standing desk as well at work, because we all spend so much time on the computer, and you know that as well, you have a standing desk as well. You just have to stand all the time, [skip in audio 0:27:44] I get that. 

Brian Vaszily: Yeah, a lot. I could talk a lot. Again, we talked a lot about food. Let’s go back to that, because we hear it, we hear it often, and it’s another one of those things we know in theory, in general, but I think hearing something repeatedly, in all these different ways, is so important, because we need those constant reminders in our life. I think a big part of people’s challenge is we all know, we know a lot of the right things to do, but we all know it in—when we’re thinking about it in a theoretical sense, and we often, 90 percent of our day is habit, and we’re kind of in this habit mode, where we’re just doing and we’re not conscious. And that’s when we lose it, and that’s when we do the mindless eating, that’s when we reach for the junk, that’s when we allow toxic media in our heads, and all those sorts of things. So, I think hearing podcasts like this, and reading newsletters, and seeing these emails in your inbox every day, from the good guys, is so important, even if it’s the same thing repeated three or four times in different ways. Because that’s part of that reminder. It’s almost like setting little alarms for yourself. “Oh yeah…” Well, one of the other universals, and no surprise here, it’s what many of our moms told us, and it’s so true, is you’ve got to eat more vegetables. I mean you’ve got to. There is no such thing as too many when it comes to most vegetables, at least, greens especially. I mean the rainbow as well. And it’s one of the few things in life where you can go ahead and do it on overload, and if you’re taking supplements, it’s the same thing. Make sure it comes from these natural sources as well. Again, like Organixx’s do. But it’s so, so critical to your being to feed yourself more of nature’s ultimate food, which is vegetation. And there’s arguments, I mean I know there’s people who define themselves as keto, and then there’s people who are purely plant-based eaters, and everything in between.  The reality is, if you pound those vegetables, and you cut out the sugars, and—or cut way down on the artificial sugars, as well as the processed foods with sugars, and you cut way down on the processed flours, just do those three things, you’re going to be frigging fantastic in terms of the way you feel. I think it’s hard to do, but   I love 7M+, for example, because it’s really hard to eat that many mushrooms done the right way, but they’re so amazingly good for you, which is why, today, part of the reason I think supplementation is necessary. I didn’t always think that. I used to have this argument that “You know what? If you eat, if you eat all the right foods, you don’t need to supplement.”   Unfortunately, one of the reasons that’s not true, I can go down another path here, is because food itself is not what it used to be. Unfortunately. Our soils are depleted, our air is challenged, I mean toxins are everywhere. And I don’t want to scare people, but it’s true. So, you—but you can do a lot to fortify yourself against those toxins.   But unfortunately, a piece of spinach, most pieces of spinach you go and get from a store today are not the same pieces of spinach that you would have gotten 50-70-100 years ago. So, unfortunately, you do need some high-quality supplementation, but—so again, it’s just going back to that whole awareness thing. Pound, this is my very—that’s not so much of a clinical term, pound, but to pound those vegetables is important.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Love it.  

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I think people get caught up in the different diets, and the keto, this, that, and the other, but I mean I’ve done keto a lot, and you eat a lot of vegetables on keto if you’re doing it right. It’s not just eating a bunch of animal products. You can be keto and vegetarian. If you’re doing it right, you might eat a whole lot of avocado to get there, but you can get there. But I don’t—I think you’d be hard-pressed to find too many doctors or experts to say vegetables are bad.   

Brian Vaszily: I haven’t found one yet. I’m looking.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: They say that to [crosstalk 0:32:16]  Jonathan Hunsaker: People out there still think the earth if flat, so, there’s probably some out there that think vegetables are bad, but for the most part… I think that’s great. Again, it goes back to you are what you eat, right? And what are you putting inside of your body? Are you putting in a bunch of nutrients? Are you putting in a bunch of live food? Are you putting in a bunch of dead food? I mean a bunch of processed food, a bunch of sugars. I think most people can agree, too, that processed refined sugars are garbage, that most flours are garbage. Anything “white” is bad for you in that sense. 

Brian Vaszily: Not cauliflower.   

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yes, cauliflower’s still good. Number three, what is your third tip, third takeaway for people? So, the first one is move more, the second one, pound the vegetables, in your clinical terms, and what is the third one?   

Brian Vaszily: Well really, I mean it does go back to our first question. I mean it might even be my—I might nudge it up to first. It’s all about awareness. It really is about awareness. And being kind to yourself in the process of that awareness. And again, what I mean is when you—knowledge is power. I mean it’s cliché and it’s truth.    When you know, and you educate yourself on what is truly good for you and what is truly not good for you, you can then—you are then empowered to make choices for yourself. I don’t want anybody to think they have to—again, I keep stressing this because I know we all love to be our own worst enemy sometimes, you can’t, and you shouldn’t try to make all the changes.    But becoming aware, for example, that a printer, a printer should not be very close to you in the office, because you can’t see it, but it emits these tiny little particles that are really bad for you. So, many of us have printers. If you’re going to have one in your office, put it far away from you. I mean that’s just a little tip.    But what I’m talking about in a bigger sense is, by learning that type of stuff, by learning what TeriAnn and I were talking about in terms of these chemicals that are inside of skincare products, by learning what you guys teach about what you really want to avoid that is inside of many supplements, and what you guys therefore do with your supplements, which is make them very healthy and good for you, but by knowing, by becoming aware that you are in control of your health   And you want to be in control of your own health. Because if you are not, that means someone else is being in control of your health, and that someone else is often—doesn’t have your best interests in mind. I mean because it’s usually these—again, these larger interests out there who have their own interests in mind. So, you want to have control of your own health, and you do that, first and foremost, by becoming aware of the very things that you guys talk about in your podcast, that I talk about over at my newsletter, that a lot of the good guys and gals out there are talking about now. This is what we need to expose ourselves to more, those who are telling the truth, frankly. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely. And it’s what you’re doing. It’s what you’re doing at your site, it’s what you’re doing on your mission, it’s what you’re doing on your summit. Give us a little bit of—share a little bit more about your summit. Share a little bit more about the kind of experts that you have. I know that you air it for free several times a year. And just tell people more about it, because the knowledge is power thing is absolutely true. And one of the places to get some of the best knowledge, when it comes to longevity when it comes to anti-aging when it comes to really taking care of yourself, is your website and your newsletter. So, will you tell us a little bit more about that? 

Brian Vaszily: Sure. Well, if you don’t mind a plug, right now, if you go to, there’s just a free report, 25 things/products in your home—apparently, I don’t exactly have the title in mind, [NOTE FROM TRANSCRIBER, the title is “25 Toxic Home Products That Cause Early Aging And Disease”] but the 25 products in your home that can cause early aging and disease. And it’s free, and it’s exactly what I was talking about, about things we surround ourselves with.   As for the summit, yeah, again, I was—I poured, and my team with me, poured probably a good solid, close to a solid year into the planning of that, and I thank you, Jon, for so many good insights and advice on that as well. And it was hard work, but I was so excited to do it, to bring it to people.   Real quick, my own background. So, I’ve been around this industry, I’ve been working with a lot of good folks, top doctors, like I said, for a couple of decades now, and doing a lot of health research. I could have gone in many directions in my life, but it was because of powerful women were in my life, very important to me, my mother, my sister, others as well, literally, they saved my life.   I went, years back, through periods of depression. When I was young, my father was alcoholic, very abusive. All kinds of things happened that could have dragged me down and taken me out, so to speak. But there were—powerful women were always there for me, and literally, in more than a couple cases, saved my life.    And so, it was really shocking to me, in a way, to watch as they got older, my sister’s in her early 50s, my mom’s in her 70s, to watch as they, even these powerful women were confronted with these feelings of shame and fear and guilt about getting older, that I talked about. So, it’s like you know what? I’m experiencing them too, as a man. But I think women have it even far harder, actually, just to be honest about it, because it really knocks them down.   If you get older, you’re invisible now as a woman, and you’re undesirable if you’re past 40s, or something like that. Well, my wife is 40, she’s more beautiful than ever to me. I mean so, it’s really, really something, like “You know what? There’s only one path to go on.” It hit home; this is what’s calling to me.    I have access to all of these amazing doctors and other people. I know them well; I’ve gotten to know their material well. Dozens and dozens of them. Good people like you, Jon. And here’s a problem, I’ve got a solution, I’ve seen it that these people have real answers that can help these people truly start living the best years of their life now.    said, “I have to do this.” So, I did it. That’s one of those things. I just made it sound really easy, it wasn’t that easy, but I said “This is my mission. I’ve got to do it.” The results, again, so I’m interviewing these 21 top doctors and other health experts in anti-aging and longevity. It was an astounding success, because I heard from thousands and thousands of people who took the time to write or post comments about how life-changing it was, and all that good stuff.    So, thank you for noting, Jon, that yeah, I will be playing that again, opening it up to a much wider audience this July. So, you can go to The Art of Anti-Aging and watch for that. And there’s going to be some extras in there and everything like that. Just because it’s such important information. It has to reach people to do any good.   When these experts are telling people their three most essential things, what could be more important? And these are really, really trustworthy people, Dr. Dean Ornish was in there, Dr. Fuhrman. But just a host of people, some of which have relatively big names, like those I just named, some who don’t necessarily have the big names. I have a posture expert in there.   Now he’s got a niche, but I don’t think anybody—his name’s Dr. Weiniger, and he’s a posture expert on the importance of—it’s funny, by the way, whenever I say that, everyone starts sitting up straighter. I just did. And it’s super—it’s actually so important for your health and wellbeing, your posture. And I brought him in.   And a lot of people hadn’t heard the insights this man had to offer, and it was really great. I mean we have folks talking about, literally, a couple of potential Nobel Prize winners, who—for what they’ve done in showing, not theoretically only, that Alzheimer’s can be reversed, but actually doing it through diet nonetheless, through diet. And they’re talking and answering these questions. So, yeah, you can tell I’m excited when it comes up, the topic of this summit, because it far exceeded my own expectations, and I had ridiculous expectations. So, it was great. 

 TeriAnn Trevenen: Awesome. Love it. 

 Jonathan Hunsaker: That’s awesome, Brian. Yeah, and we couldn’t support you more. So, we love what you’re doing over there. Brian and I have been friends for a few years. Brian helped us launch Organixx a few years back. And so, we go way back. And I appreciate you. I appreciate you being on the podcast. I appreciate what you’re doing. I appreciate your mission.    I cannot encourage people enough to go to, and go sign up for Brian’s newsletter, not just to get the free report, but then you’ll get notified when he’s going to play this summit again in the future, which you’re doing again in July. For those that aren’t aware of what a summit is, it’s like going to a conference, but not having to leave your home.   So, you do that over seven days, you have a few experts every single day, right, Brian? For a few hours. And people can just watch from home. And you don’t have to go anywhere, you don’t have to spend any money, and it’s a phenomenal way to just get tons of information around living longer and living healthier.   

Brian Vaszily: Would you mind if I hired you, Jon, for PR? That was beautiful, better than I ever said it.    

Jonathan Hunsaker: [crosstalk 0:42:09] than I think I’ve ever plugged it myself. Thanks for coming on. I’m going to have you back on again. I really appreciate your time. And any last words, TeriAnn?   

TeriAnn Trevenen: No. Powerful information, and I think it’s a beautiful thing you’re doing for women. I think aging is such a beautiful concept, and I think we need to change the way people see aging, the wisdom that comes with it, and that you can feel better in older ages, and as you’re aging, than you did even when you were younger. And that’s such a myth for people, that you can feel even better now than when you were younger. So, I love what you’re doing. I think it’s a powerful mission. 

Brian Vaszily: Well, thank you guys. Well, this was a lot of fun. Again, Jon and I go several years back, TeriAnn and I too. And it’s good to have friends like you guys who, seriously, I mean when I put one word behind both of you, honestly, as individuals, it’s trust. And trust is not an easy thing to come by in this world.    So, for everybody listening, I would say one thing that you can do with these two is trust. And I’m a person who, it’s been—because of what I went through earlier in life, it’s been a challenge sometimes to learn to trust people. And so, not only do I trust Organixx products, for sure, and I know it’s real deal, I recommend to everybody, to people following The Art of Anti-Aging, to people I know, because I know it’s good   And there’s only maybe about a hand and a half, a hand and a half of different organizations where universally I could say that about their products. So, I just want to say thank you to both of you for putting this company out there in the world, where I think we need more organizations like where you know you could turn to that organization, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, and you know you’re going to be able to put that, like I talked about at the very start, into your body and trust it, trust that it’s going to be good, because there’s not enough of that out there. The good news, as we said, more and more movement in that direction. But thank you both.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Thank you so much for saying that. I appreciate that. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: Thanks, Brian. Thank you, everybody who’s listening. You can also go to for all of the show notes, if you want to watch the video, download the transcripts, links to Brian’s website, Make sure you like us, comment, subscribe on iTunes, and we’ll see you on the next podcast. Thanks, Brian. Thanks, TeriAnn.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Thanks, Brian. 

Brian Vaszily: Thank you guys.   

TeriAnn Trevenen: Have a great day, everyone. 

Brian Vaszily: Thank you. 




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