Building Healthy Habits With The Live It Challenge – Episode

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In this week's episode...

Unlike a diet, Organixx Live It implies positive action.  A diet is restrictive; it requires a person to limit the things that they eat or drink in order to be successful. Organixx Live It is the opposite. It is unlimited and inspiring. Organixx Live It is a path to wellness that allows you to take action, participate in activities that bolster your health, improve your overall wellness, and inspire your continued journey to a long-term healthy lifestyle. 

Empowering You Organically – Season 12 – Episode 106 

Title: Building Healthy Habits With The Live It Challenge 

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker & TeriAnn Trevenen 

Guest: N/A 

Description:  Unlike a diet, Organixx Live It implies positive action.  A diet is restrictive; it requires a person to limit the things that they eat or drink in order to be successful. Organixx Live It is the opposite. It is unlimited and inspiring. Organixx Live It is a path to wellness that allows you to take action, participate in activities that bolster your health, improve your overall wellness, and inspire your continued journey to a long-term healthy lifestyle.  


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 Are you ready for the Organixx LIVE IT challenge? 

Real quick, did you know that here at Organixx, we live by 5 core values? 


Passionate about our Mission, Empowering You Organically  

Rigorously Honest and Trustworthy  

Team Players with Extreme Ownership  

Respectful Communication with a Balanced Ego  

Resourceful and Creative Growth  

Our first Organixx Core Value is, we are Passionate about our Mission, Empowering YOU Organically. This doesn’t just apply to our customers, but to our team as well. We’ve just finished the second round of our Organixx LIVE IT challenge internally with just our team, and now we’re inviting you and the rest of the world, to join us for round three… for free. 

What is the Organixx LIVE IT challenge? 

Unlike a diet, Organixx Live It implies positive action.  A diet is restrictive; it requires a person to limit the things that they eat or drink in order to be successful. Organixx Live It is the opposite. It is unlimited and inspiring. Organixx Live It is a path to wellness that allows you to take action, participate in activities that bolster your health, improve your overall wellness, and inspire your continued journey to a long-term healthy lifestyle. 

During our Live It activities, we will be challenging ourselves to improve our health and well-being and we will have a little fun at the same time, with chances to win some amazing prizes.  


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Jonathan Hunsaker: 

Welcome to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker joined by my cohost TeriAnn Trevenen. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

Hey everyone. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

This is a part two podcast talking about the Organixx LIVE IT Challenge. If you have not listened to part one, I encourage you to listen to that as well, it’ll give you more details, more context around the LIVE IT Challenge, how it came to be and why we’re doing it today on this podcast. We’re just going to talk a little bit more about the details of the actual challenge itself. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

So the challenge kicks off on Monday, October 5th, and it will last for six weeks. As we’ve talked about in the previous podcast every single week and the week will go from Monday through Saturday, Sundays a day off for everyone. So every week there will be a physical challenge, there’ll be an emotional challenge and then there will be an educational class that we will have on Saturdays at 11:30 AM Eastern. Again, all of this is a hundred percent free. Just make sure that you are on our email list to get all of the notifications and, or follow us on Facebook or Instagram, go to You can get links to all three of those quite easily. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

So TeriAnn, do you want to walk us through what the weeks are going to look like exactly? 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

Yeah, absolutely. So, if you haven’t listened to that first one definitely go and listen to it, but we actually structured this after a LIVE IT Challenge we did with our team and we’re running it the exact same way. We did it with our team. We’re now finished with our second version of this, two challenges that our team have completed. So you’ll find a physical and emotional challenge and a live class on Saturday with three experts that will rotate during six weeks, Angie, Stacy and Ruth, a meditation expert, a fitness expert, and then our friend Ruth, who will talk about the ties between physical ailments and physical issues with your body and how they’re tied to your emotions. Powerful, powerful classes, again, those will be 11:30 AM Eastern every Saturday for six weeks starting the week of October 5th. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

So just to give you an idea of some of the challenges, I’m not going to walk through every single one, we will link this on in the show notes so you can check out all the challenges and participate, but the physical challenges. So our first week out of the gate, we have 5,000 steps each day and five minutes of meditation each morning. So there’s a physical element and an emotional element. This is really to drive you to move your body and to do something for yourself physically and then also to combine the element of the emotional wellbeing. There’s not a lot of time for that in the world right now and we don’t make a lot of time for it. So you’ll see physical and emotional challenges like that. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

You’ll also see that we have, in some of our emotional challenges, five minutes of deep breathing twice a day, breathing is so critical for our health and we don’t stop and take those deep breaths enough, it can reset our body, it can reset our mind, our emotions. Every week you’re going to see the physical challenge being the steps and you’re going to see those steps increase every week, just move your body and get your steps in more every day. That doesn’t mean that you have to go run miles to get those in, you can walk to get those in. Maybe for you, you work at a desk and it’s tracking your steps and you’re just getting up and moving more and you’re hitting those steps because you’re just not sitting in the chair all day. However you get to those steps, we just want to see people moving their body more. We’re home more, we’ve been living through quarantine, we’re not getting out as much. Right now, it’s a great time go outside and walk around. If it’s too cold, go up and down your stairs, just move your body and get that energy flowing more. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

Then again those emotional challenges, breathing, meditation. We have somewhere you listen to different music and let that change the tone of your day, your emotions, really connecting with that, writing things we’re grateful for. So every week there will be the physical challenge of steps and then a different emotional challenge each week that you can participate in. We’ve tried to make this something that everyone can participate in. Then every Saturday we’re offering these classes to completely free, this is a time for you to come and connect with people who are going to let you get more connected with yourself. They’re coming to help you put yourself first and really give that time to yourself, to connect emotionally and physically, and to really put yourself first. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

Yeah. So we talk about tracking your steps, and again, anybody can do this, I do encourage you to actually track them. Don’t guess, oh, I probably get 5,000 a day or I’d probably get 5,500. Almost every smartphone now can track your steps if you keep it on you. If you don’t take your smartphone on your walks or runs, which I highly encourage you to do, you can also just Google if I walk for 30 minutes, how many steps is that? Then go walk for 30 minutes and let that be kind of your basis. But I do encourage you to follow some sort of tracking, it’s the tracking of the steps that matters a lot. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

It’s that constant daily activity and routine of tracking that will have you be more conscious to take the stairs instead of the escalator, that will have you go up and get off the couch and go get something out of the kitchen yourself rather than asking your kids to do it. There’s all kinds of just little things that happen and that’s what actually makes the biggest difference in your life.Is those tiny little decisions, do I get up and go get it myself or do I have somebody else to do it? Am I actually taking the amount of steps that I think I am? 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

What often happens is people grossly overestimate the amount of exercise and body movement they get every day and they grossly underestimate how much food they eat and how many calories they consume. By the way, we’re not doing any kind of a food challenge here where we’re saying, hey, do this eating wise or follow this diet or anything like that, because that’s not for me to tell you what works for your body. What I will tell you, and what you can do is if you want to track your food, you don’t even have to change what you’re eating, just tracking the food itself we know, has you be more conscious about what you eat. We know that just tracking food will have you lose weight. We know that just tracking your steps, will have you move your body more. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

That’s where we’re making it just a simple exercise of just 5,000 steps the first week we grow by 500 steps every single week, by the end, I believe you’re at what, 7,500 steps, 8,000 steps. So it’s 7,500 steps and that’s a good growth pattern there and then at the end of the six weeks, you’re going to be amazed at those little decisions that you continue to make to get up off the couch and go get it yourself, to walk and take the stairs instead of the elevator or the escalator. We’ll have built, we’ll rebuild, a healthy habit that we may have lost going into the quarantines and the pandemics and all of that. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

I also want to talk about the educational classes. These classes are phenomenal, I’m not teaching, TeriAnn’s not teaching them. We brought in experts in their field that work with professional athletes, that work with people in the tops of those fields, to help them release things emotionally, to understand what they’re putting in their body food wise and understanding nutrition. They’re going to be phenomenal. So the educational classes, I highly encourage you to be on their live because part of what makes all of this work is the sense of community. The sense of doing this with others, that you’re not doing it alone. 

Jonathan Hunsaker: 

So every Saturday morning at 11:30 Eastern set aside that 30 minutes for yourself, get your kids occupied with the craft or doing something different and take that 30 minutes to just invest in you. Not only are you going to learn phenomenal information and education, but you also get to participate and have that sense of community knowing that there’s this many other people are doing the exact same thing as you, challenging themselves and creating new healthy habits, just like you are. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

Yeah. Then also just to mention, there will be ways to view it later, if you can’t be on it we will make that available, but we just really encourage you to be on those classes and be there with that community and feel that sense of community and energy that comes from coming together. So don’t think that counts you out of the challenge. 

TeriAnn Trevenen: 

By the way, when it comes to this challenge, don’t feel like you have to every single box off. Well, I think it’s incredible if you can truly participate in the full challenge, and I think it will change your life, like we’ve seen it change our team’s lives, do the best that you can with the challenge. Maybe that week you missed the emotional part, but get your steps in, or maybe you can’t get the steps and would get the emotional. These tiny little changes happening every single week will lead to longterm changes that benefit your physical and emotional health. 


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