Ruth Cummings: Letting Go of Emotional Pain – Episode

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In this week's episode...

Emotions we don’t release get trapped in our bodies. Or as today’s guest, Ruth Cummings, puts it “Our bodies are a trash can for all the emotions we didn’t process”. Tune in to learn how we can better manage the connection between emotions and disease. 

Empowering You Organically – Season 12 – Episode 108

Title: Ruth Cummings: Letting Go of Emotional Pain

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker & TeriAnn Trevenen

Guest: N/A

Description:  Emotions we don’t release get trapped in our bodies. Or as today’s guest, Ruth Cummings, puts it “Our bodies are a trash can for all the emotions we didn’t process”. Tune in to learn how we can better manage the connection between emotions and disease.


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Ruth Cummings


Ruth Cummings is the owner of Athletic Touch Therapeutic Massage, which she founded in 1995.


She has over 50,000 hours experience as a massage therapist working on all types of clients, ranging in age from infants to centenarians and everyone in-between.


Ruth has worked on professional athletes in the NFL, MLB, and UFC, as well as amateur athletes in college and elsewhere.


She specializes in chronic pain relief and injury rehabilitation, but her real passion is the treatment of emotional pain in teens and their parents.


Ruth has a BA in psychology and creative writing, is a natural therapeutic specialist, as well as a personal trainer.


She coaches soccer and tennis, and her coaching achievements include two high school state championships in soccer and one in tennis.


She is an effective communicator with teens, and offers personal coaching in positivity, anxiety control, and self-esteem.  Ruth is married with two teens and her family loves to travel.  Check out her blog or massage website.


Summary: What is Emotional Pain​ –


We feel physical pain after emotional intense situations in our lives that manifest into the physical pain we feel.


Our bodies hide painful, scary and stressful feelings to keep us safe and alive. The difference between emotional pain and non-emotional pain, is how chronic and stubborn it is.


Most of the time we are not even aware that we are stuffing emotions at the time of the intense situation, which makes it difficult to let things go that we didn’t even know we were holding onto.


We can hold emotions from our younger years all the way to a few minutes ago, and each can cause odd pain in our bodies that are logically hard to explain.


The mind and the body don’t always see eye to eye which makes unraveling these emotional pains challenging. Once we can get the mind and body to recognize the pain pattern in which they are spinning, the healing is much easier.


Awareness is the main ingredient in starting the healing process, then breath work, journaling, seeing a counselor are a few Self-Care suggestions to implement to start feeling better.


Are you ready for the Organixx LIVE IT challenge? 

Real quick, did you know that here at Organixx, we live by 5 core values?

  1. Passionate about our Mission, Empowering You Organically
  2. Rigorously Honest and Trustworthy
  3. Team Players with Extreme Ownership
  4. Respectful Communication with a Balanced Ego
  5. Resourceful and Creative Growth

Our first Organixx Core Value is, we are Passionate about our Mission, Empowering YOU Organically. This doesn’t just apply to our customers, but to our team as well. We’ve just finished the second round of our Organixx LIVE IT challenge internally with just our team, and now we’re inviting you and the rest of the world, to join us for round three… for free.


What is the Organixx LIVE IT challenge?

Unlike a diet, Organixx Live It implies positive action.  A diet is restrictive; it requires a person to limit the things that they eat or drink in order to be successful. Organixx Live It is the opposite. It is unlimited and inspiring. Organixx Live It is a path to wellness that allows you to take action, participate in activities that bolster your health, improve your overall wellness, and inspire your continued journey to a long-term healthy lifestyle.


During our Live It activities, we will be challenging ourselves to improve our health and well-being and we will have a little fun at the same time, with chances to win some amazing prizes.

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Ruth Cummings: And it builds up and it builds up and it builds up with this emotional pain. And a lot of us can handle it for years, decades. And people will come in and I’m not kidding, they’ll come in and they’ll say, in their forties, “You know what? I was fine. I’m in shape. I do everything right. I eat organics. I’m doing everything right. And all of a sudden I have this major pain in my leg, or I have sciatic pain.” Something that shows up that wasn’t there before, and they don’t understand, and no one understands.

Speaker 1: Empowering You Organically. Delivering content you trust with results you love.

Joni Jones: I want to welcome you. Welcome everybody. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. This is exciting. This is a brand new adventure for us at Organixx. And I want to let you know that we’re glad you’re all here. I’m Joni. I’m the producer of the Organixx podcast, Empowering You Organically. Here at Organixx, we’re passionate, passionate, passionate about vibrant health, and we’re dedicated to empowering you organically. It’s why it’s part of the mission statement. Whether that be a squeaky clean supplement, or engaging education in our podcast episodes, or an in-depth article in our inspired library, which if you haven’t checked out, you need to do, we’re a resource. We consider ourselves a resource for you and for ourselves because we love to learn. So I want you to think of it as adding tools to your tool belt. And as you continue on your journey to health, they’ll be there for you to grab onto when you need them.

Joni Jones: So congratulations, first of all. Organixx LIVE IT implies positive action and you’ve taken it. So congratulations. Just take a minute and think about that. You’ve made a commitment to you, and I think that’s a beautiful, beautiful thing. Organixx LIVE IT is a path to wellness that allows you to take action, which you’ve done, participate in some fun activities that bolster your health, and improve your overall wellness, and inspire you to keep on keeping on, because it’s a longterm health lifestyle that we’re after. Right? We’re not after fitting in a prom dress, we’re after longterm feel good.

Joni Jones: So this week’s challenges were fun. The physical challenge was pretty simple, 5,000 steps each day. And if you haven’t watched our episode that Jon and TerriAnne did, make sure you check out Johnathan’s tip about tracking because it is very important. What we pay attention to matters to us. Right? So make that a point of tracking for you. The emotional challenge was five minutes of meditation each morning, which is a great way to start the day. Whether that be guided or just in silence, or if you have your own little practice that you do, like a gratitude meditation in the morning is a beautiful way to start the day, sets the brain off right.

Joni Jones: But right now what we’re going to do is we’re going to get our learn on, which is exciting. So let’s get started. I’m honored today to introduce you to Ruth Cummings. She’s going to help us find a connection between emotion and pain and disease in our body. It’s so fascinating. You’re going to love this. Ruth is the owner of the Athletic Touch Therapeutic Massage, which she founded in 1995. She has over 50,000 hours of experience as a massage therapist, working on all types of clients, ranging in age from infants to [senitarians 00:03:34] and everyone in between. So she’s also worked with professional athletes of the NFL, the Major League Baseball, and those UFC fighters, as well as amateur athletes in college and everywhere else. She specializes in chronic pain relief and injury rehabilitation.

Joni Jones: But her real passion is the treatment of emotional pain in teens and their parents. How beautiful is that? She has a bachelor’s in psychology and creative writing, and she’s a natural therapeutic specialist, as well as a personal trainer. She coaches soccer and tennis and her coaching achievements include two high school state championships in soccer and one in tennis. She’s an effective communicator with teens and offers personal coaching in positivity, anxiety control, and self-esteem. Ruth is married with two teens of her own and her family loves to travel. So I invite you to check out her blog or her massage website. I’ll have the links for you, when we wrap up, I’ll have all this stuff for you. And she’s got some fun things to offer you as well. So I’m not going to take any more of your time up. I’m going to let Ruth take it away.

Ruth Cummings: Hello. Welcome everybody. Thanks for that intro. That was great. This is kind of… I’m cutting in and out. So I hope I’m okay. Can you hear me? You can. All right. Cool. All right, guys, I want to talk to you about emotional pain and how to get rid of it and what it is. So what is emotional pain? Emotional pain is when you have something that happens intensely in your life and you feel it manifests as pain in your body. You actually feel the pain. Some really simple examples are your daughter goes off to college like for me, and it’s really sad and you cry about it. And that’s immediate release of that emotional pain. A lot of other things have happened. Say, someone dies in your life. What if you lost a child? Or if you lose a spouse or a parent, even a pet, those are immediate things that we release that pain for. And that’s emotional pain that we do immediately.

Ruth Cummings: One of my favorite ways to explain this, if we could do this as people, is when, you guys have probably seen this on YouTube, and there’s a cheetah that is chasing a gazelle. Right? And the gazelle, he goes to the left and goes to the right, and the cheetah goes right by him. And what I like right after that is that the gazelle is cruising on over to his herd and he jumps up and everything in his body shakes. And then he lands and joins his herd. That shake gets rid of all that stress. I almost died, I almost got eaten to death, and he gets rid of it. He completely forgets about it. And as humans, we do that as kids. If you do the helicopter, or you sit and you move your legs like that, we’re naturally getting rid of that emotional tension, that stress on our body.

Ruth Cummings: But let’s say your father says something to you that’s painful and you want to say something back and you’re a kid, and you want to say it and you don’t. And it comes up like this and it just stops. And you don’t, you can’t. You got to stay safe, you got to stay respectful. Let’s say you get fired from a job. You really want to just… But you don’t. And these things start happening in our life, through our life. And we are not efficient at letting those out of our body. Well, those start to, they start to build up. And if you consider your body as like a trash can and it builds up and builds up and builds up with this emotional pain. And a lot of us can handle it for years, decades.

Ruth Cummings: And people will come in, and I’m not kidding, they’ll come in and they’ll say, in their forties, “You know what? I was fine. I’m in shape. I do everything right. I eat organics. I’m doing everything right. All of a sudden I have this major pain in my leg, or I have sciatic pain.” Something that shows up that wasn’t there before, and they don’t understand. And no one understands. And usually, sometimes they come see me last. Right? So they’ve had an MRI. Maybe they’ve had a cortisone shot. They’ve tried some medication maybe. But still it’s there, it’s nagging. That’s the difference between an emotional pain and a physical pain is if it nags you, and you’ve done everything right, you’re doing everything that you know to do. And it’s still there.

Ruth Cummings: When that happens, that’s when you kind of need to look deeper. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. So I want to talk about the bottom part of our body. And my next talk in a few weeks on Halloween is about the top part. We want to start with the bottom. So if you know your chakras, awesome. But if you don’t, there’s a lot of people that don’t, so what a chakra is is like an energy center and the root chakra is at your tailbone.

Ruth Cummings: … and it is like the foundation. It’s your foundation. And it involves a lot of things like grounding.

Ruth Cummings: So the things that the root chakra represent, it’s red, and I sent a link with a sound to listen to. You can hum it, you can sing it. You can just listen to it. And so how do you know that your root chakra, or your foundation gets off center? So the things that I just mentioned before, like if you had a death in your family, if you’re going through a divorce, if you move, if you change jobs, all [inaudible 00:09:48] hits, and sometimes what happens is you’re actually move the foundation of your body right at the hips.

Ruth Cummings: So people will come in with sciatic pain or constipation that they’ve never had, bloating, just stomach pain, or how about really bad periods, like right there in the foundation of your body, it moves, it actually moves.

Ruth Cummings: And so it’s important to consider, now not everything, certainly not everything is psychosomatic. But I invite you to consider that if these problems are happening to you, that maybe you could try these things that I’m going to suggest.

Ruth Cummings: For the root chakra we have the enough’s, that’s how I call it. When people come in, it’s the enough’s. First of all, like everybody, every animal has that area of their body. So the root chakra is like, do you have enough food? Enough shelter? Some people don’t right, right? Where am I going to live? But enough food, enough shelter? But the big ones, do you have enough love? Do you have enough company? Are you lonely? Do you feel belonging? Do you feel like you belong in your house, in your space? Do you belong in your job? Do you belong in your relationship, and relationships?

Ruth Cummings: So those are big questions. And if you don’t feel like you belong in one of those, or if you don’t feel grounded in your life in general, like, “I really feel like this is my path, I’m good.” If those questions come up for you like a little red flag right now, try these things.

Ruth Cummings: So one of the things you can do is you can breathe in. If in doubt, when you’re healing, breathing is awesome, it helps everything. It can help every area of your body. It helps anxiety. It just helps everything. If you’re in a test for example, and you can’t remember the answer to a question, breathe, it will help. It’ll bring oxygen to your brain. And it’s just an amazing thing. I added by the way, a link to some breathing exercises with Dr. [Lad 00:00:11:57], his pranayama, he is adorable. Now that link is an hour long, so pick the ones that you like, and also do them sitting down. Because you can pass out. So if you do them, you know, if you’re a beginner.

Ruth Cummings: All right, so breathing, if you’re religious or you’re not, but if you’re religious, you can breathe in and visualize the Holy Spirit in light. That’s what I do. But if you’re not, you can breathe in and say, “Healing light.” And you want to breathe it into the bottom of your, like the bowl where your hips come together. So you breathe it, and you visualize it going past your lungs, and it fills up that bowl with that healing energy, and it heals that root chakra, or it helps you feel more grounded. And listen to the sound that I sent also. Yesterday, when I was getting the sound for you guys, I started balling, and I’m telling you this sound, it works.

Ruth Cummings: I’m really sad right now because my daughter just left. So I’m still… It’s a good thing, it’s a rite of passage, right? She has to go live on her own. But I was sad. I just turned on the sound, I am not kidding, I bawled for like 10 minutes. I had a whole pile of Kleenex.

Ruth Cummings: So this sound is powerful. And if you’re around anybody who’s suicidal or just really depressed, take your computer or your phone with this sound and just have it sitting next to them, have it sitting near them, and have the sound come in and heal them. It’s very, very powerful. It’s really cool. So use that sound. I gave you one for both root chakra and sacral chakra.

Ruth Cummings: Okay, so breathing, energy in and sound. Another thing you can do is to journal. Now, if you don’t know why you have these pains, journaling is a great way to do this, another way is to go see counselors, but you know what? We can’t see counselors right now. You can see them through Zoom sometimes, but counselors are awesome because they know the questions to ask you, so that you can unravel these areas of the puzzle that just don’t seem to let you recognize what’s happening.

Ruth Cummings: Now, the body and the mind, don’t always communicate. Let’s say something happens when you’re young, like your father being mean to you, or mad at you. We’re not logical when we’re three, we’re not logical when we’re 15, right? And so we take it on differently. And if you are not good, some people are good, at processing emotional pain, some people are awesome and they never have to come see me, or see a counselor. But a lot of us aren’t, and we don’t, it’s not [inaudible 00:14:47] learn how to you change those patterns. So there’s patterns we have that in our physical body change the way we deal with and process stress.

Ruth Cummings: So like, let’s say that your dad yells at you, you’re three, and you take that personally, and you start grinding your teeth and you start holding your hands as a fist, as a kid. Then you look at yourself now, there are isms that you are doing, and you don’t even know it. You don’t even know that you don’t even know. And that’s the cool, “Aha moments.”

Ruth Cummings: So if you can figure out a thought process, “My dad’s mad at me,” and recognize where you’re feeling that in your body. The gut, the root chakra, is one of the best places for that stuff to hide. Who sits there and pushes under their gut, right? There’s people that come into massage, and when I go in to do massage, when I know that there’s a root chakra issue, I have to do it very carefully. And a lot of times I have to put their hand, and then put my hand on top of their hand, and do it really gently because no one’s ever touched them there.

Ruth Cummings: And it feels very invasive, and very scary. Why does it feel scary? Can you guess? Because they don’t want to unravel this thing that helped them when they were three, or when they were five. It was helpful to go like this when they were three. And that’s true because it helped them not get in trouble. It helped them not say something disrespectful. In some cases of abuse, it helped them not get hit again. In places, like for soldiers, it helps them not get killed.

Ruth Cummings: There’s some places where it’s very important to be quiet, to stuff it, to just not say anything, to not move. There are some times it is critical for life. So we all go through it and it’s okay. That’s another thing, just to be really gentle with yourself. I don’t see that very often. And I think most of us need to do that more often.

Ruth Cummings: So another thing for the root chakra is to get outside, go into the sunlight. If you’re feeling like you have to journal about these, and you just don’t know why you’re hurting, you don’t know why you don’t belong, go outside, let nature help you. Be in the sunlight, try to absorb it, go sit in a mountain. I’m going up to the [Jemez 00:17:18] Springs today for this reason, to just heal my body. And there’s certain places outside the city, we all know that, that are more powerful than others.

Ruth Cummings: So that’s another thing, just get outside, sit down, garden. I have a list that I sent also of 19 ways to get rid of emotional stress and pain in your body. So you can go through a couple of those. There’s a lot of them. And there’s way more than 19, I just grabbed a number. So do those, go through that list, it’s really helpful.

Ruth Cummings: So the root chakra, like we said, is grounding, belonging, and the enough’s. So if we move up a little bit, we have the sacral chakra.

Ruth Cummings: The sacral chakra is orange and it’s right in the gut. So it goes from both sides from front and back and it’s that whole area. So there’s a lot in there. It’s really easy to hide stuff in there. Right? We have the large intestine, small intestine. We have the kidneys, we have the ovaries. There’s a lot. There’s a lot going on right there. The uterus for women, there’s like … And it’s easy for our emotional pain to hide in there. It’s really easy for someone to find out that they have emotional pain if they have a headache. It’s really easy if you, not easy but easier, if you’re constantly doing this and you can stop that and learn not to do that. What’s more difficult is if it is in your gut. That’s a really hard place to un-rattle and to put the puzzle pieces together.

Ruth Cummings: One thing that I really like to tell people that we don’t do, and I’m doing right now, is when we’re sitting, especially all this time at home, our rib cage is going into our gut. So the one thing you can do right away is just lift your rib cage off your gut and just give it a break for a second. Now, posture is important, but just if you do that and of course breathe, that will help that area. First thing. That’s the first thing to do.

Ruth Cummings: Another thing I want to show you is one of my favorite massage techniques to show people. This also has to do with headaches, but this is the large intestine meridian. It starts right here. I’m just going to do a rough draft of this, because you can’t really see. It goes to the outside of the elbow. It kind of scoots back there and then it comes through another point we’re going to talk about next time, the root point. And then it comes down all the way and it goes right into the large intestine. So there’s points all along here. And the fourth point is right here. So this is where you can massage that.

Ruth Cummings: Here’s what I want to tell you about massage, massaging yourself. We don’t want to bruise ourselves. We don’t want to dig. I hear that a lot, “I’m just going to dig.” Don’t dig. This is why. How many of you are hard on yourselves? How many of you don’t forgive yourself? Where everybody else has the forgiveness of your heart, but you are like, “Bam, bam.” And I mean, all of my girlfriends, me, I mean, I’m like the worst also. So I get people coming in and they’re like, “I want you to massage as hard as you possibly can.” I’m like, “Whoa.” And I can always tell that that person is really hard on themselves, and they see and have been taught in their lifetime that healing and bodywork has to be like this hammer. So I always try to start a little deep, but then I come back into a soft and forgiving, very, very compassionate touch. And it’s always, always, always incredible.

Ruth Cummings: So I’m going to show you how to do this. In these fingers, you want the best of you. You want the best of you to come out. You want to love this, every single cell, every single atom. And you want that, like if you’re the visualization of healing energy, you want that to come through. I want the Holy Spirit to come through my fingers and put love into the spot. And it’s going to go into my whole body. But this right here, I’m intentionally going to calm my stomach, large intestine, anything, any anxiety. Just like that. Do it like you’re holding a butterfly. That’s about the pressure. If you had a chip and you were taking it away from a friend and you didn’t want to break the chip, that’s how hard it is. It’s not very hard, but you know you’ve got to grab the chip, so you’re not just sitting there.

Ruth Cummings: Another thing you can do for your brain while you’re doing this is to wait for the pulse. It takes practice. It takes patience. But if you can sit there and wait for the pulse, that’s very powerful. There’s so many, there’s oodles of books on the pulses and there’s different pulses. That’s a whole other subject. Okay, so you do that. And you want to help your gut. Why? The gut holds worry in the front and fear in the back. Worry, it’s one of all of us. We deal with worry. And if you worry, you’ve learned that from somewhere probably. You’ve learned that from a parent usually, and you’re teaching it to your next generation. So get your ribs up to breathe, work on that area and try to relax it.

Ruth Cummings: So here’s what I was telling you, that it’s hard to tell if some of your emotional pain is stuck in that area because you can hold your stomach really tight, like your guts, and the things inside, those little tension, like the little fascia from your abs and your obliques, they can hold really, really tight and you can’t tell. It’s just, that is who you are. You just, “Oh yes. I’m not tight. I’m fine.” So I have someone on the table. Here’s their head, here’s their stomach and their back. If I’m holding their back and I’m going to also holding their stomach, their back, when I start having this conversation about, “Hey, could you relax your stomach?” “Oh, it’s relaxed.” Okay. And as soon as I do that, their back gets tight.

Ruth Cummings: So here’s another thing to think about. Every person has a manager in their body. A lot of people, it’s their low back. Some people it’s their neck. Some people it’s their jaw. Some people it’s their hands. Some people curl their toes. I’ve seen all kinds of things. So, like I say, something that makes part of their body, mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, it makes part of their body, that whole, uncomfortable. Then that manager gets tight. The other thing about the manager is the manager holds, it manages all pain. So if I’m holding the back and they’re, say, “Yeah, my stomach is, it’s relaxed.” I’m like, “That’s interesting. Do you know that your back is completely contracted?” “What?” So, there’s just this conversation between their mind and their body that needs to come together. We need to be on the same team.

Ruth Cummings: Your body is telling me one story and your mind is telling me another story. I want to invite you again to consider that that might be happening in your body. If you think you’re fine and you get mad at your body, here’s another thing that happens. An athlete, they’re getting older. They can’t do their thing anymore. I went through this. I want to play soccer. I’m hurting. I have two ACL replacements. And then there’s this anger from the mind to the body of like, “I can’t believe you’re old. You suck. This is” … And there’s this anger that happens. And then the mind is like a little four-year-old, but the body also says, “All right, that’s fine. You want that?” And it starts to just cut you off and you can’t feel things and you can’t … It doesn’t work as a team.

Ruth Cummings: So work as a team, be gentle with yourself. And if you hear those conversations happening … There’s my son. If you hear those conversations happening in your own head, then journal, get outside, start doing some breathing, possibly find a counselor, get a friend and say, “Oh my gosh, I think this is happening in my body.” So this is how you heal this. You have to recognize when … You don’t have to. That’s a harsh word. I’m sorry, that comes from a perfectionist, you have to. You don’t have to do anything, but I invite you. So let’s say you start to realize that there’s something going on emotionally in your body, that the pain possibly isn’t about running 10 miles a day. So you start to figure out that you’re writing or your posture is not just about sitting at a computer all day long, that once that happens and it starts to open for you, then you want to try to see that pattern and start to dissolve it. It takes time. You have to have patience.

Ruth Cummings: You’ll notice if you’re in the middle of a conversation, let’s say that you get mad talking to your spouse. You’re you’re going to talk about travel, which is a huge problem for me and my husband. When we talk about travel, it’s always a fight. You come to that conversation and you’re about to have it. You realize, this is what I want you to realize, what happens in your body? Do your toes curl? Are you leaning forward like you’re about to punch him? What are you? Are you on your back on your heels? You’re like, “No.” What is your body doing? Is your buckle tight? Are you holding yourself really tight? What’s tight on you? Are your fist going like this? What’s happening?

Ruth Cummings: Often your brain’s going to say, “Nothing is tight. I’m fine,” but when you find it, just breathe in and relax that area. There’s so many examples of how this could happen and why, right? For the middle, another thing you can do is heat. Get a heating pad. Don’t use cold on your gut. Okay? Don’t use cold on your gut. Also, another thing, I have a lot of neck pain. Don’t use cold on your neck. I’ve had a lot of neck pain, hand pain. Don’t use cold. Use heat. Okay? Then I brought a sound for you. There’s a link for the sound. Again, that’s for the gut. If you have a lot of worry, if you have a lot of fear, then work on that.

Ruth Cummings: The thing about fear, the fear is in the back, right? We’re running out of time, but the fear is in the kidneys and in what’s the muscle called the quadratus lumborum. You can massage it gently. You put your hands behind here. Actually, you can just put your hands behind your back like that and hold. Wait for the pulse. Again, patience. Breathe and recognize when you’re holding your back, is your stomach tight? Are they working together? Are they a team? It’s all about teamwork. It’s all about balance.

Ruth Cummings: I just want to give you hope. If you’re hearing these things for the first time, there’s a whole world out there that can help your pain. There’s other avenues and creating a team of medical helpers for you is very important and it may not have the people you think it has in it. You can pray about it. You can just build your team [inaudible 00:29:49] listens to you. Listening is a huge thing and it’s really missing in our society. Be a good listener to yourself. I could keep going, but I think we’re almost out of time. You want me to keep talking a little bit?

Joni Jones: No, you’re good, Ruth. That was fantastic. Thank you so much.

Ruth Cummings: You’re welcome.

Joni Jones: I think I learned a lot. I know I did. I’ve listened to Ruth before, so every time I listen, I pick up a little bit more especially if this is new to you. We’re going to have a recording of this. I apologize. The live feed did not work as intended, but we did record. We’ll post this. It’ll be an episode on our Empowering You Organically Podcast. We’ll have show notes and transcripts, too, so that you can go back and pick out all these little gems that speak to you. Ruth is going to be back on the 31st, I believe it is, right?

Ruth Cummings: Yeah.

Joni Jones: Yeah.

Ruth Cummings: That’s my favorite one. We’re going to talk about the throat, letting things go and how we feel like we have a bowling ball on our throat.

Joni Jones: The chest.

Ruth Cummings: Then the chest is grief, guys. Chest is love, courage, betrayal and grief. It’s a big one. I love that conversation. You guys can always email me. You can get on my email list. I have a self care email letter. You were going to say that. I’m sorry. I probably cut you off.

Joni Jones: No, you’re good. I just wanted to let everybody know. Let me get the link to make sure I say it correctly. She’s built this beautiful little package for you all and it’s free. All you have to do is go to I will say that again because I want to make sure you guys get that. Okay? You go there and you give her your email address. Once a week, she will send you, she’s curated, this beautiful list of her best self care tips. She’ll have things about beautiful teas, or stretches, or more of the acupressure things that you can try. It’s beautiful, so it’s free. I highly suggest you get in there and get that done and make sure that you respond to the Organixx emails so that you get credit for being on the class and for doing all of the beautiful challenges. We thank you. We thank you. We appreciate you. Go have a beautiful week, everybody. Take care.

Ruth Cummings: Someone was asking again for that email. I saw that one come across.

Joni Jones: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You say the email. Go ahead and give them the email, or do you want the link or the email?

Ruth Cummings: Oh, okay. Sure. You do it because it’s family, right?

Joni Jones: Dot page. That’s your email?

Ruth Cummings: I’m sorry?

Joni Jones: Your email address.

Ruth Cummings: Oh, my email address, you can go to or I have several. There’s info@athletictouch. Just give you one? Okay.

Joni Jones: Let’s do one.

Ruth Cummings: I’m sorry. Info@familyfitnesstravel. That’s my little fun blog, you guys. That’s where I go play. I love Disney. I love to travel. I’m a kid at heart.

Joni Jones: I’m [crosstalk 00:06:09].

Ruth Cummings: Ask me any questions, send me stuff. I saw some stuff on there. I’ll help you find your manager if you want.

Joni Jones: Yes, that is beautiful. Just the awareness, being aware, I think that’s my biggest takeaway is the invitation to just be aware because what we pay attention to, we take care of. We do. Whether that is statistics for business or whether it’s tracking our food, whatever it is. Track, pay attention and be aware. We will see you back here next Saturday, everybody. Thank you.

Ruth Cummings: Thanks a lot. Appreciate you.


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