The Dirty Secrets About Your Food That They Don’t Want You To Know – Episode

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In this week's episode...

What secret ingredients in our food supply are making us sick? Tune in to hear Jeffrey Smith, the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices, educate TeriAn and Jonathan on the risks of GMOs and glyphosate in our food supply. The fascinating science and uncomfortable truths concerning GMOs and pesticides. This affects everyone’s health! Please join us for an in-depth discussion.

Empowering You Organically – Season 4 – Episode 29

Title: The Dirty Secrets About Your Food That They Don’t Want You To Know

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker, TeriAnn Trevenen

Guest: Jeffrey Smith

Description: What secret ingredients in our food supply are making us sick? Tune in to hear Jeffrey Smith, the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices, educate TeriAn and Jonathan on the risks of GMOs and glyphosate in our food supply. The fascinating science and uncomfortable truths concerning GMOs and pesticides. This affects everyone’s health! Please join us for an in-depth discussion. 

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About Jeffrey Smith

Jeffrey is the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. He was named the 2017 Person of the Year by Masters of Health Magazine for more than two decades or work in 45 countries exposing how biotech companies mislead policymakers and the public and put the health of society at risk.

In 2018, he and Amy Hart released Secret Ingredients, a documentary that highlights numerous individuals and families that healed from serious conditions after switching to an organic diet. His feature-length documentary, Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year, and inspired millions worldwide to choose healthier non-GMO foods.

His books include Seeds of Deception, it is the world’s bestseller on GMOs, and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. He has counseled government leaders and healthcare practitioners from every continent and has been quoted by thousands of news outlets, including The New York Times, the Washington Post, and Time Magazine. He appears on influential radio and television programs, including the BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now, The Doctors, and the Dr. Oz Show.

Secret Ingredients

  • “The most effective and efficient tool at convincing people that they absolutely have to eat organic immediately”, Jeffrey Smith
  • In the film, all these people get better from different diseases and disorders just after switching to organic food.
  • then they realize the role of the food and the secret ingredients in the food

What Are The Secret Ingredients To Be Aware Of?

  • GMOs
    • It’s traditionally been where you take a gene from one species and you force it into the DNA of another species.
    • The 6 main crops are; soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa.
    • The main reason they genetically engineer is to allow that crop to be sprayed with herbicide.
    • These are chemical companies making seeds that tolerate their chemicals.
  • Roundup
    • not JUST glyphosate in the formula –  the ENTIRE formula
    • Roundup can be 125 times more toxic than glyphosate.

Human Health Impacts of GMOs – 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs


  1. GMOs are unhealthy.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) urges doctors to prescribe non-GMO diets for all patients. They cite animal studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. Genes inserted into GM soy, for example, can transfer into the DNA of bacteria living inside us, and that the toxic insecticide produced by GM corn was found in the blood of pregnant women and their unborn fetuses.

Numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. The percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years; food allergies skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others are on the rise. Although there is not sufficient research to confirm that GMOs are a contributing factor, doctors groups such as the AAEM tell us not to wait before we start protecting ourselves, and especially our children who are most at risk.

The American Public Health Association and American Nurses Association are among many medical groups that condemn the use of GM bovine growth hormone, because the milk from treated cows has more of the hormone IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1)―which is linked to cancer.

  1. GMOs contaminate―forever.

GMOs cross pollinate and their seeds can travel. It is impossible to fully clean up our contaminated gene pool. Self-propagating GMO pollution will outlast the effects of global warming and nuclear waste. The potential impact is huge, threatening the health of future generations. GMO contamination has also caused economic losses for organic and non-GMO farmers who often struggle to keep their crops pure.

  1. GMOs increase herbicide use.

Most GM crops are engineered to be “herbicide tolerant”―they deadly weed killer. Monsanto, for example, sells Roundup Ready crops, designed to survive applications of their Roundup herbicide.

Between 1996 and 2008, US farmers sprayed an extra 383 million pounds of herbicide on GMOs. Overuse of Roundup results in “superweeds,” resistant to the herbicide. This is causing farmers to use even more toxic herbicides every year. Not only does this create environmental harm, GM foods contain higher residues of toxic herbicides. Roundup, for example, is linked with sterility, hormone disruption, birth defects, and cancer.

  1. Genetic engineering creates dangerous side effects.

By mixing genes from totally unrelated species, genetic engineering unleashes a host of unpredictable side effects. Moreover, irrespective of the type of genes that are inserted, the very process of creating a GM plant can result in massive collateral damage that produces new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiencies.

  1. Government oversight is dangerously lax.

Most of the health and environmental risks of GMOs are ignored by governments’ superficial regulations and safety assessments. The reason for this tragedy is largely political. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, doesn’t require a single safety study, does not mandate labeling of GMOs, and allows companies to put their GM foods onto the market without even notifying the agency. Their justification was the claim that they had no information showing that GM foods were substantially different. But this was a lie. Secret agency memos made public by a lawsuit show that the overwhelming consensus even among the FDA’s own scientists was that GMOs can create unpredictable, hard-to-detect side effects. They urged long-term safety studies. But the White House had instructed the FDA to promote biotechnology, and the agency official in charge of policy was Michael Taylor, Monsanto’s former attorney, later their vice president. He was the US Food Safety Czar under President Obama.

  1. The biotech industry uses “tobacco science” to claim product safety.

Biotech companies like Monsanto told us that Agent Orange, PCBs, and DDT were safe. They are now using the same type of superficial, rigged research to try and convince us that GMOs are safe. Independent scientists, however, have caught the spin-masters red-handed, demonstrating without doubt how industry-funded research is designed to avoid finding problems, and how adverse findings are distorted or denied.

  1. Independent research and reporting is attacked and suppressed.

Scientists who discover problems with GMOs have been attacked, gagged, fired, threatened, and denied funding. The journal Nature acknowledged that a “large block of scientists . . . denigrate research by other legitimate scientists in a knee-jerk, partisan, emotional way that is not helpful in advancing knowledge.” Attempts by media to expose problems are also often censored.

  1. GMOs harm the environment.

GM crops and their associated herbicides can harm birds, insects, amphibians, marine ecosystems, and soil organisms. They reduce bio-diversity, pollute water resources, and are unsustainable. For example, GM crops are eliminating habitat for monarch butterflies, whose populations are down 50% in the US. Roundup herbicide has been shown to cause birth defects in amphibians, embryonic deaths and endocrine disruptors, and organ damage in animals even at very low doses. GM canola has been found growing wild in North Dakota and California, threatening to pass on its herbicide tolerant genes on to weeds.

  1. GMOs do not increase yields, and work against feeding a hungry world.

Whereas sustainable non-GMO agricultural methods used in developing countries have conclusively resulted in yield increases of 79% and higher, GMOs do not, on average, increase yields at all. This was evident in the Union of Concerned Scientists’ 2009 report Failure to Yield―the definitive study to date on GM crops and yield.

The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) report, authored by more than 400 scientists and backed by 58 governments, stated that GM crop yields were “highly variable” and in some cases, “yields declined.” The report noted, “Assessment of the technology lags behind its development, information is anecdotal and contradictory, and uncertainty about possible benefits and damage is unavoidable.” They determined that the current GMOs have nothing to offer the goals of reducing hunger and poverty, improving nutrition, health and rural livelihoods, and facilitating social and environmental sustainability.

On the contrary, GMOs divert money and resources that would otherwise be spent on more safe, reliable, and appropriate technologies.

  1. By avoiding GMOs, you contribute to the coming tipping point of consumer rejection, forcing them out of our food supply.

Because GMOs give no consumer benefits, if even a small percentage of us start rejecting brands that contain them, GM ingredients will become a marketing liability. Food companies will kick them out. In Europe, for example, the tipping point was achieved in 1999, just after a high profile GMO safety scandal hit the papers and alerted citizens to the potential dangers. In the US, a consumer rebellion against GM bovine growth hormone has also reached a tipping point, kicked the cow drug out of dairy products by Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Dannon, Yoplait, and most of America’s dairies.

Differences  in Labeling Terms

  • Non-GMO Project Verified
    • Requires testing to prove there are no GMOs.
  • Organic
    • This term is regulated by USDA.
    • Doesn’t allow Roundup and other toxins.
    • Not allowed to have GMOs, but they don’t have to test for GMOs.
  • Natural
    • Means NOTHING from a regulation perspective.
    • Only used as a marketing term to lull consumers into false security.

  Jeffrey’s Recommendation

  • Try to purchase Organic and Non-GMO Verified products to ensure the cleanest possible food.
  • “Now, it’s not going to be necessarily 100% pure all the time. It’s the nature of nature. Pollen travels, wind blows, glyphosate is found in the rain and in the air because it’s the most used agricultural chemical in history. So even products that are isolated, grown carefully as organic may have a small amount. And that’s something we all have to accept because that’s the facts. So we minimize our exposure by going to organic. It’s not 100% guarantee. And so I just wanted to make that clear.”



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Episode 29 – The Dirty Secrets About Your Food That They Don’t Want You To Know


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Episode 29 – The Dirty Secrets About Your Food That They Don’t Want You To Know

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Jonathan: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker. I’m joined by my co-host TeriAnn Trevenen.

TeriAnn: Hey, everyone.

Jonathan: And we have a very, very special guest, Jeffrey Smith with us.

Jeffrey: Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Jonathan: Absolutely.

TeriAnn: Excited to have you here. I’m going to tell you a little bit about Jeffrey today, and yes, we’re extremely excited to have him here. Jeffrey is the founding executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. He was named the 2017 Person of the Year by Masters of Health Magazine for more than two decades or work in 45 countries exposing how biotech companies mislead policymakers and the public and put the health of society at risk.

TeriAnn: In 2018, he and Amy Hart released Secret Ingredients, a documentary that highlights numerous individuals and families that healed from serious conditions after switching to an organic diet. His feature-length documentary, Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year, and inspired millions worldwide to choose healthier non-GMO foods.

TeriAnn: His books include Seeds of Deception, it is the world’s bestseller on GMOs, and Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. He has counseled government leaders and healthcare practitioners from every continent and has been quoted by thousands of news outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, and Time Magazine. He appears on influential radio and television programs, including the BBC, NPR, Fox News, Democracy Now, The Doctors, and the Dr. Oz Show.

TeriAnn: I’m just going to add to this; Jeffrey is truly a trailblazer and a pioneer in leading the way and leading the conversation when it comes to GMOs. So we’re thrilled to have you here today.

Jeffrey: Thank you, TeriAnn.

Jonathan: Jeffrey, it’s such a pleasure to have you here. We saw you at Expo West a year ago, and you were telling us about the documentary coming out, and then just saw you about a month ago. We’re so happy to have you on here. Let’s talk about Secret Ingredients. Let’s talk about the documentary that you released. You’re also doing a very limited re-release of it, right?

Jeffrey: Well, what’s happening is there’s a big event happening mid-May, May 15th, where we’re gonna show it for free. Don’t tell anyone early. All right, you can tell everyone a week early. People can sign up and see it for free for that week. The movie is I would have to say the most effective and efficient tool at convincing people that they absolutely have to eat organic immediately. Now, I’ll tell you how it works that way, but for the people … I mean, the people in your podcast may already be eating organic. I mean, the name is Empowering-

Jonathan: Empowering You Organically.

Jeffrey: Yeah. So I think a lot of people in the audience are like, “Well, how do I get my mother or my brother or my spouse or my friend?” So this is the movie to share with them and this is the week to share with them because it’s free for a week. And I’ll give you one story. At Expo West this year, I interviewed on my live Facebook page, a mother who shared the film with her teenage kids. And after seeing the film, the kids were angry at her for having allowed non-organic food into the house. And so they all got garbage bags and emptied the cupboards of all non-organic food.

Jeffrey: This is what happens. This is what happens with this film and we’re going to be providing people with a opportunity after they see the film for a way to more easily integrate organics into their life, not just the food but also their whole lifestyle, their body care, their cleaning supplies, et cetera. Because we know from showing it for over a year first in festivals and then making it available online for purchase, it changes lives. People have that desire but there’s some people that have the desire but don’t actually do anything about it and they become like, “Oh, I should’ve done that a year ago.” So we’re going to help people.

Jonathan: And tell me the URL so that our listeners know where to go.

Jeffrey: Sure.

Jonathan: And on May 15th, they can watch it for free, correct?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Jonathan: So yeah. What you said here, which I thought was very important is how do you encourage others. Sometimes we eat organically. A lot of our listeners, I know, eat organically. But sometimes others in our lives whether it’s our moms or our dads or friends think that you’re, “What do you mean? Why are you eating organically?” Or “I never ate organically.” There can be all kinds of different criticisms around it. And so I love the idea and this is a way that people can share this without it having to be on them, right? Hey, this isn’t me telling you-

Jeffrey: People always say, “How do I convince my spouse?” I say, “You don’t. Let me do it because you’re-” [crosstalk 00:05:10]

TeriAnn: I love that. I love it.

Jonathan: So We’re going to talk a lot-


Jonathan: SecretIngredients plural By the way, we will have links on the show notes Empower You Organically, so you can also go there. I just want to make sure that everybody really is clear because it’s so important. We talk about the importance of organic ingredients inside of supplements and then obviously, we talk about that with food as well.

TeriAnn: Nutrition.

Jonathan: And so I just want to make sure that everybody that’s listening to this goes, and tunes in, and watches it and then shares it.

TeriAnn: Yeah and let me just share and do … I’m just going to geek out personally for a minute. We just did My Health Journey Podcast last week and one of the things that Jonathan asked me was as I’ve gone down this journey of learning about natural, healthy, organic, all those things. He’s like, “What was the first thing that you changed when it came to your health journey?” 100% it was going to organic food, based off of interviews I watched with you. So I’m super excited to have you here today so that our listeners can hear the same things that I heard that changed my life.

TeriAnn: And it’s so funny that you’re talking about it because I’ve told Jonathan and our listeners many times that I get made fun of by my family. And I love my family. They know they do it. About eating organic food. And I’m not perfect at it but I’m really good at it and buying organic foods. I think it’s something that a lot of people face. They move to organic and they’re like, “Really? Do you need organic?” You truly do and I think when people hear what we’re going to say today just like it changed my life and I went from eating non-organic food to organic. I think it makes a profound impact on your body and your health and people need to listen up more. So I’m just really excited for the conversation today.

Jeffrey: I’m excited to hear what happens when you share the film with your family. I want to hear that. I want to hear [crosstalk 00:06:54]-

TeriAnn: When you said that, I was like, “I’m sending it to all of them.”

Jeffrey: Totally. Totally. Just have them watch it for free online. It’s like, “Oh my God.” People have said, “I finally got my spouse, family to change.” So here’s the secret sauce. Here’s the secret sauce as to why it works so much. People go, “So why is it so important?” In the film, all these people get better from different diseases and disorders just after switching to organic food. I’ll give you some shocking examples. In the film, you will see two young boys, autistic until their family switches to organic and now they’re no longer on the spectrum. A person who’s a chiropractor, who has a clinic, all these infertile couples … I’m not going to give too much information. I don’t want to be a plot spoiler. Put it this way: she puts all the infertile couples on organic diet. All of them have children. All of them have people have cancer, skin conditions, allergies, bloated gut, brain fog.

Jeffrey: Now, if you think, “Well, how could it be that just switching to organic can change all of those things?” Well, we have doctors like David Perlmutter, the New York Times best-selling author of Grain Brain and Brain Maker. And Dr. Michelle Parrow, nearly 40 years as a pediatrician, one of the top pediatricians in the country. Saying that this is what they’re seeing in their own patients when they switch them to organic food. And we have numerous doctors saying after they get better on good food, they switch back for some reason, sometimes it’s just a meal, sometimes it’s a week, and sometimes they just fall off, and their autoimmune disease comes back or their pain comes back. Whatever their condition was comes back, and then they realize the role of the food and the secret ingredients in the food. By the way, this is a cue. “What are those secret ingredients, Jeffrey?”

TeriAnn: I love it.

Jeffrey: I wonder what your next question’s going to be. And it’s the secret ingredients in the food that’s causing the problem and the scientists put the link between those ingredients and the diseases.

TeriAnn: Yeah. Well, let’s talk about that. And I’m not going to ask you that question because-

Jeffrey: I did my best. Jonathan, didn’t I do my best there?

Jonathan: You did do your best.

TeriAnn: I want to go back in time a little bit before we came to this place where we had this issue of GMOs. Let’s talk about the history a little bit so people can be educated where we went from people growing their own food and having control over what they were putting into their body to where we are now. Talk about that a little bit and what you know around that.

Jeffrey: So you’ve just described one of the two secret ingredients in non-organic food which we blame for all these conditions. It’s not the sole blame, obviously. The GMOs and the other secret ingredient which I’ll be mentioning in just a moment is not the only thing that causes all these different diseases or disorders. But we’ll describe the incredible amount of evidence that makes one realize, “Oh my God. I better be careful.”

Jeffrey: So GMO, genetically modified organisms. We see that now in so many products that say non-GMO. A lot of people don’t even know what the GMO stands for. Genetically modified organisms or organism. It’s traditionally been where you take a gene from one species and you force it into the DNA of another species. So you take bacterial or virus genes and put it into soybeans, or corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets, alfalfa. Those are the six main GMOs, all engineered with foreign genes. And the main reason they genetically engineer is to allow that crop to be sprayed with herbicide. These are chemical companies making seeds that tolerate their chemicals.

Jeffrey: So normally, if you spray Roundup herbicide on soybeans, you’re going to kill all the soybeans. But if you spray it on Roundup-ready crops, then the soybeans will survive. And now, we have named the second secret ingredient, which is Roundup. There’s other herbicides also, but the main one that they genetically engineer for tolerance is Roundup and Roundup is nasty stuff.

Jonathan: Roundup, also known as glyphosate.

Jeffrey: Well, glyphosate is the chief poison in Roundup. Roundup is a bunch of things, but Monsanto got away with saying, “It’s the only poison that we have to deal with,” even though there’s another ingredient that’s 10,000 times more toxic and other ingredients that are more endocrine disrupters and toxic as well. There’s a whole soup of toxic stuff in Roundup. Roundup can be 125 times more toxic than glyphosate. But because of the laws now, the EPA simply says, “Okay. Name your active ingredient.” And they say, “Okay, glyphosate.”

Jeffrey: They say, “Okay, will you please provide us with tests on your active ingredient, glyphosate? Forget about the whole formulation. Forget about even using the type of glyphosate that’s found in the formulation. Use a safer variety, and test that, and then we’ll trust you with turning over the data that’s accurate to us so that we can evaluate your product. And don’t test low doses because we’re ignoring the low dose effects that can be even greater for endocrine disruption than high dose effects.”

Jeffrey: So the EPA is basically they’re taking dictation from the chemical companies as to how to avoid finding problems. And as you’ll hear later in the interview, Monsanto, which is now Bayer, because Bayer Aspirin et cetera bought Monsanto, they had a lapdog in the EPA that basically did what they wanted and we have the evidence. So now we have Roundup. To get back to your question, TeriAnn, we have Roundup on one side and we have the GMOs that can be sprayed by that Roundup, and both are dangerous.

Jeffrey: And I’ll give you an example. Dr. Seralini from France, he was a toxicologist, is a toxicologist, was reading all the submissions from GMOs for approval in France and in Europe. He was aware, “Oh my God. There’s these GMO corn varieties and they have all sorts of statistically significant differences which demonstrates signs of toxicity in the liver and kidneys. Let’s take it beyond the limit of 90 days that Monsanto limits their tests for and let’s do a two-year rat study which is the lifespan of a rat.” It turns out, they used Roundup-ready corn, sprayed with Roundup, multiple massive tumors, premature death, organ damage.

Jeffrey: And so the first time they do a long-term study with the rats and they have massive tumors that are like 25% of their body weight. They actually have to kill the rats because it’s considered inhumane to let it live with a tumor that size. There is awful pictures of these deformed rats. And tremendous death rate much earlier. It showed that Roundup-ready corn is dangerous. But he did something which was brilliant. He put another group just on the Roundup-ready crop that had never been sprayed, the corn that had never been sprayed, and found that there was multiple massive tumors, early death, and organ damage. Same thing. So “Aha! It’s the GMO,” which means it’s massive collateral damage in the GMO which can give rise to allergies, and toxins, and carcinogens.

Jeffrey: But he gave another group just the Roundup without the corn and they also had multiple massive tumors, early death, and organ damage. So it was both the GMO and the Roundup, alone or together that caused these things. And so there are problems with both. Now, there’s more research on Roundup and I can describe, and I will how it damages the foundations of health. The stuff that you’re learning like, “Oh my God. That’s important for health,” like microbiome just destroys it. And then there’s the GMO which is like playing genetic roulette because when you insert one of those genes or do gene editing and rearrange genes within the same species, you end up with multiple collateral damage sites all over the DNA any one of which can turn a harmless food into a deadly one.

Jonathan: And I think that’s what’s interesting to me. When I’m always looking for non-GMO verified products, it’s because I know that they’ll have been sprayed with Roundup. That’s my concern, it’s because I don’t want to get the Roundup in my body. And it’s very interesting that it doesn’t matter if it was sprayed with Roundup or not. It’s the crop itself that is just as damaging as a standalone. Because I’ve always put the blame on Roundup and glyphosate and that’s the problem. Let’s make sure we don’t have that. But it’s the crop itself even without being sprayed that’s just as damaging.

Jeffrey: I’ll give you an example. Dr. Arpad Pusztai, a Hungarian-born scientist, who was working in the top nutritional research laboratory in the UK, in Aberdeen, Scotland was given three million dollars by the UK government to figure out how to test for the safety of GMOs. He was the top scientist in the world in his field. He worked with three different institutes to come up with the protocols that Europe was going to use to evaluate safety for GMOs before it was allowed into the countries, into the entire EU. And he was a pro-GMO scientist and figured it was just an advance on natural breeding like they try and pretend.

Jeffrey: And he developed the protocols and he put some rats through the protocol with a genetically engineered potato. And the potato was engineered to produce an insecticide. Now, he had studied this insecticide, it’s Lectin, for seven years and he knew it was safe. In fact, he invented the field of Lectin research and this was the Lectin he knew most about. So it was like he was dialed in. This is not a problem. And he fed the potatoes that produced the Lectin to a group of rats, fed another group of potatoes that were natural, the same type of potato that we’re not genetically engineered to another group of rats and a third group was fed natural potatoes. But their meal was spiked with the Lectin that the GMO produced.

Jeffrey: So you have the GMO producing the Lectin. We have the non-GMO potato not producing the Lectin and then you have a non-GMO potato but then you just add the exact same amount of the insecticide or Lectin that the GMO produces into that meal. Now that group didn’t have a problem. The non-GMO group didn’t have a problem. Only the group that ate the GMO potato that was engineered to produce its own Lectin. So it wasn’t the Lectin. It wasn’t the insecticide that caused the potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract. The smaller brains, livers, and testicles, the partial atrophy of the liver and the damaged immune system in just 10 days.

Jeffrey: It was not the insecticide that caused the problem. It was the process of genetic engineering that caused the massive collateral damage. Now, when Dr. Arpad Pusztai found out about this, he was invited to speak on television with permission from his director, Professor Phillip James. He went on TV, was interviewed. They cut his interview down to two and a half minutes and he said he does he found some problems, but he didn’t go to details because it hadn’t been published yet and he didn’t think it was appropriate to use the population as Guinea pigs.

Jeffrey: Well, it aired and he was a hero all of a sudden. Here’s a top scientist in the world, the researcher of choice. Probably, the most knowledgeable researcher in terms of how to research for safety on GMO, saying GMOs are inherently unsafe. So there was tremendous interest. There were phone calls off the hook. The professor, Phillip James, the director, diverted all the phone calls so he could take them and he was talking praising the research for two days and he was being groomed this whole time in the past by Tony Blair, the Prime Minister to be in charge of a new food safety authority.

Jeffrey: He got a call after a day or two from Tony Blair’s office was forwarded through the receptionist. So we know and we’ve heard that Monsanto first saw this thing going on in Europe called the Clinton administration. Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton called Tony Blair and Tony Blair’s office called Professor Philip James. And the next morning Arpad Pusztai was fired from his job after 35 years silenced with threats of a lawsuit. They removed the data. They dismantled the team. They never implemented the protocols.

Jeffrey: And they even put out information about his research designed to discredit him and the research even though they put out information that was entirely wrong describing an experiment that he never did. Well, seven months and one heart attack later, he was able to speak because, by the order of Parliament, he was invited to testify. They had to give him his data back. It’s now published and at the time it was the most in-depth animal feeding study on GMOs ever conducted.

Jonathan: And what year did all this take place?

Jeffrey: His original TV show was in August of 98. He got his gag order lifted on February 16th, 1999. In fact, I opened my book Seeds of Deception with the scene when Susan answered the door. She saw several reporters standing in front of her and others parking their cars or running across the street. But you all know we can’t speak about what happened. We would be sued. It’s okay. The reporter from Channel Four TV said to her and handed her the piece of paper and while Arpad was reading the gag order being lifted, the 30 reporters sled past them into the living room and he looked up and he could finally speak about what he knew about. And the information that he conveyed created a firestorm of coverage over 700 articles written in one month alone in the UK and also many others in Europe. Hardly anything in the US.

Jeffrey: But within 10 weeks of that gag order being lifted, Unilever said, okay, no more GMOs in Europe and our European brands. The next day, Nestle’s. The next week, everyone else. So the tipping point of consumer rejection occurred as a result of the coverage in Europe. But the same companies that took it out of the European foods continued to feed it to unsuspecting Americans because we didn’t have the coverage. Project Censored; a US media watchdog group described this whole event is what are the 10 most under-reported events of the year.

Jeffrey: Now, I interviewed Pusztai more than any other reporter for hours and hours and went over the details and one thing that I always ask the people that I interviewed was what was your most shocking moment? I figured I’d open the book with it. But it wasn’t the moment that opened the book because that wasn’t being fired from his job. It wasn’t discovering the damage from the rats. He was a man of integrity and science who’s most shocking moment came when he was able to review the submissions by the biotech industry that got their products approved in Europe. It got them approved in England and approved in Europe.

Jeffrey: When he read them which was before he discovered the problem with the rats, he said it was complete mind-blowing shock for him. That they would allow crops onto the market with that superficial, poor, bad science. And he realized when he discovered the problem with the rats at his potatoes that it was a generic process of genetic engineering that caused the problem. The same process that was used on the soybeans and corn and tomatoes that were already on the market in Europe. So they never checked for potentially precancerous cell growth. They never weighed the organs. They never looked at this functioning of the immune system or the health of the liver or a half a dozen other things. And so he was aware that what was happening to his rats may be happening to the entire population.

TeriAnn: It’s like a big human experiment with no boundaries.

Jeffrey: And no control group and no monitoring.

TeriAnn: No results.

Jeffrey: And so I was just interviewing Michelle Parrow who’s the pediatrician in the film Secret Ingredients. I was just talking to her and she said when she was looking at Árpád Pusztai, the pictures of the potentially precancerous cell growth in the digestive tract. It was an Aha moment. She saw it in my books, the second book, Genetic Roulette. She says, “Oh my God, this is what’s happening to the kids.” All of a sudden the kids who were … She had a baseline. She was practicing for years. She had been going through pediatric training and she had a baseline.

Jeffrey: All of a sudden, the kids got really sick everywhere. An epidemic of new problems. And it came right after GMOs were introduced and they’d been eating it for a while. And then she saw what happened to Árpád Pusztai’s rats and goes, “Aha.” Then she started putting kids on an organic diet, and they started getting better much more than before because-

TeriAnn: So just for our listeners. When were GMOs introduced into our food sources? When did we start seeing that happen and how did that come about? We had no approval. Just we talked about this massive human experiment with no boundaries. And when did this come into play? When was this allowed to start happening?

Jeffrey: Well, they started genetically engineering organisms in the 70s. In the 1980s, they used genetically engineered bacteria to produce a supplement called L-tryptophan in Japan. They didn’t respect the fact that so many things can go wrong when you genetically engineer. And unfortunately, there were contaminants that were almost certainly from the genetic engineering process that entered the Tryptophan. And that resulted in a deadly epidemic. It killed about a hundred Americans and caused 5000 to 10000 to fall sick or become permanently disabled.

Jeffrey: The FDA which was mandated to promote GMOs hid the evidence. They hid it from Congress. They never mentioned it. They banned all Tryptophan from the marketplace. Even though only the company that genetically engineered the bacteria created the Tryptophan that caused the problem. And people have been taking Tryptophan for years. People taking the other company’s Tryptophan didn’t have the problem. They ignored the evidence. Got Tryptophan off the market. It helped PROZAC sales and it demonized natural remedies which is part of the FDA’s mandate.

TeriAnn: Of course. Of course.

Jeffrey: They actually had a mandate. You could see the internal memos of determining how they can eliminate the competitors to the pharmaceutical prescribed drugs. So then they were also told in the Bush Administration, first Bush Administration to promote GMOs because the Bush Administration was facing a trade deficit and that was bad. And so they put Dan Quayle, the vice president in charge of the Council of Competitiveness, a high-level committee to try to increase US exports.

Jeffrey: And for some reason, Monsanto, the big GMO maker convinced them that allowing GMOs to go forward would increase US exports and US domination of world trade of food. The opposite happened. We lost a lot of exports because of it but they were convinced of it. They told the FDA promote it. The FDA pulled in Monsanto’s former attorney, Michael Taylor, to be in charge of FDA policy when the GMO policy was being created. He said, no problem, no testing, no labeling. Companies like Monsanto could determine on their own if their GMOs were safe. Then he became Monsanto’s vice president under Obama. He returned to the FDA as the US Foods Czar.

Jeffrey: And seven years after this, no testing, no labeling, no nothing a facade of a policy was put into place because of a lawsuit. The FDA was forced to turn over 44000 secret internal memos. And I talked to Steven Drucker who was the pioneer of that lawsuit who wrote Altered Genes, Twisted Truth. He said it was the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people. Because he read the actual quotes from the scientists at the FDA who were mandated with figuring out what the policy should be.

Jeffrey: And they said GMOs are not the same. They’re different. And they lead to different risks and they can lead to allergens and toxins and new diseases or nutritional problems. And they need testing and they need human testing. And what did the policy say? The policy said there are no different, no testing is needed. And even said the FDA is not even aware of information showing that the foods are significantly different even though it was the consensus of their own scientists that that sentence was not true. So it was a fraud and unfortunately, it was the mandate from the White House.

Jeffrey: Because when they submitted this policy to the White House, to the office of Management and Budget, to the Health and Human Services, to the White House Counsel, the response they got back was it has to be even more pro GMO. Eliminate those 12 pages of environmental problems. Make it clear that GMOs are more precise and it’s at least as safe, if not safer. So as it went up the political chain, GMOs got safer and safer. But it turns out they’ve always been this very unsafe, very dangerous technology.

Jeffrey: In fact, the most common result of genetic engineering is surprise side effects. So what we have now are GMOs on the market; soy, corn, cotton, which is used for cottonseed oil, canola, sugar beets, not the beets we buy. The sugar we eat. Most sugar is from beets, not sugar cane. The alfalfa. All those six are either Roundup-ready or their soy, corn, and cotton that are also producing BT toxin. This is really a revelation to people that they genetically engineer a gene into the crop so that the crop is now efficiently registered as a pesticide.

Jeffrey: And when we eat the corn, we had pesticide in every bite. A pesticide which is designed to break open the little holes in the walls of the guts of insects to kill them. And in human cell trials, it breaks open the same size holes in human cells. And we find now in rats and in pigs and evidence that it’s causing severe problems in the digestive tract. So we’re assuming, and I think we’re right that it’s contributing to the digestive problems in humans.

TeriAnn: So here we have this issue of like we’re supposed to trust these people and these powers that be with our health and with what we’re doing and our food and all of those things. You pointed out many things as you were going through that where there were issues, exports were supposed to go up, they went down. They should have done research, but they didn’t need to do research and they just covered and covered and covered and covered. Smells a lot like money to me. But I-

Jeffrey: It has that aroma.

TeriAnn: Yeah, it really does.

Jeffrey: Odor maybe.

TeriAnn: Which we already know but all the while we’re trusting these people and our health is deteriorating and it’s a good segue into let’s talk about the research we’re seeing. You’ve touched on this a lot with first, we have them introduced in the 70s. It’s going into our food sources. Now here we are at this point-

Jeffrey: I should say the crops came out in 1990. So there was a tomato-

TeriAnn: Well, they started with the 70s, and they started just messing around with it. Experimenting-

Jeffrey: Yeah and then crops came in the 90s. Like soya and corn came in 96.

TeriAnn: And here we are now let’s talk about the research related to health and what we’re seeing with health and tying that to introducing GMOs into food.

Jeffrey: I’m going to do it in a way that I think is, I do this in the film Secret Ingredients. I mentioned it. But I’ll actually give a longer piece here because I have to fess up. I have to confess that I had been traveling. I’ve been to 45 countries speaking about GMOs and at the time that I’m talking about it, it was about 25 countries into it. I had talked about Árpád Pusztai’s research just 10 days into a potato diet, not just potatoes. It was a complete and balanced diet. Potatoes were added, the rats were devastated in their health.

Jeffrey: But people would come up to me and say, you know I can tell when I eat a GMO. And I’m like, “Really?” I was very respectful, but I was very skeptical. I didn’t really expect that humans would be able to tell the difference. I expected that it would be some kind of disease that would be rising in the background and you wouldn’t see it till you collected all the statistics. But I started to train or educate doctors about the health dangers. I brought the document ed health risks to them at medical conferences.

Jeffrey: And they started to prescribe non-GMO diets and I started speaking to them in 2006 and every year going to more medical conferences. And at one point in 2009, I returned to the American Academy of Environmental Medicine where I was to getting an award for environmental medicine work and I brought a video camera. And I started interviewing some of the doctors who were prescribing non-GMO diets. Now up and until this point, I was focused primarily on scientists and if there is any scientists listening, I’m about to make fun of you. They might say converging lines of evidence suggest that I might be cold. They don’t say anything with definitive, this causes this.

Jeffrey: But not the doctors. They were saying GMOs cause inflammation. GMOs caused … One allergist said my allergy patients to get more allergies, they get higher levels of allergies with GMOs and they’ll tell you that. One woman said to me, “I put all my patients on non-GMO and they all get better.” I went, “What percentage?” See I’m still skeptical. She goes, “I told you all of them 100%.” All right, 98% I said, “How many patients?” She took a while to figure it out actually counting things, how many per week, you know how many years. Then she said 5000 and I realized she had more patients that she put on non-GMO diets than all of the rats and mice that had been forced fed GMOs or Roundup in all the research and so she was experimenting and had come to a level of confidence.

Jeffrey: I said can I come to your clinic and interview the patients? And I did and sure enough, it was remarkable transformation sometimes in three days. Then I went to farmers that same month and they put cows and pigs on non-GMO and they were seeing the same thing. A pig farmers said, “Yeah, my pigs no longer have diarrhea.” In one of two clinics, I visited in Chicago. It was my irritable bowel went away or my Crohn’s disease symptoms went away. Similar symptoms, different species, same change.

Jeffrey: Now with the humans, they may be reducing processed foods or eliminating gluten or dairy but you don’t have gluten free pigs or dairy-free cows. So it’s like, “Wow, I see the same thing.” Now I’m getting convinced that people actually can experience the difference especially when doctors are reporting it for thousands of patients. And then I started to ask people where I was lecturing, how many people noticed a change and hands would go up, but I wouldn’t stop there. I said, what did you notice? People will say, okay, acid reflux or bloating or irritable bowel.

Jeffrey: So I was like, okay, well how many others have noticed improvement in his digestion? That was always the largest group. Then someone would say skin conditions or acne, Eczema, very large group. The second largest group was reduced brain fog and increased energy. People would lose weight, autistic symptoms. It was dramatic. There were 28 different when I put them all together, 28 different conditions that were reported over 150 lectures and many of those lectures were to medical groups so the doctors were speaking on behalf of thousands of patients.

Jeffrey: So we surveyed at the Institute for Responsible Technology and you can go to and sign up and be part of the next survey. We surveyed people and said did you notice a change when you switched to non-GMO and largely organic food and sure enough digestion was number one. Fatigue was number two. Weight loss was number three. Brain fog was number four. Then you have depression and anxiety as the next one and joint pain, seasonal allergies, gluten sensitivity, high blood pressure all these different things. Diabetes and it’s just and many of them are completely gone when all they do is switch their diet. Not everyone that way but certainly, there were some.

Jeffrey: So now we have people getting better. We have pets getting better. We had pets in We have stories from veterinarians and pet owners. We have livestock getting better. Then if you look at the animal feeding studies when they force feed the animals, the GMOs, and the Roundup, they suffer from these similar disorders or they’re precursors. Then if you look at the statistics, how are those diseases doing in the United States? You look at them and all of a sudden, they start rising in parallel with the increased use of GMOs or the Roundup sprayed on them.

Jeffrey: Now that’s correlation. It doesn’t prove a causation. But what helps the whole picture is if you look at what actually the modes of action are for GMOs and Roundup and BT toxin, you would predict those same problems and I think we should look into that. What is it that the GMO or the Roundup of the BT toxin can do that can cause those problems? So now we have evidence from people, pets, livestock, lab animals and correlative charts that all point to this may be-

TeriAnn: All the trends are going up.

Jeffrey: This may be one of the worst health nightmares were facing. And the good news is as you’ll see in the film Secret Ingredients next week, people get better when they switch to organic.

Jonathan: And people are waking up. And so you said that GMOs are banned in Europe?

Jeffrey: No, I said that there was a tipping point of consumer rejection. So the food companies got rid of it.

Jonathan: Got it.

Jeffrey: There’s a lot of countries that don’t allow it to be planted. But no one in Europe has banned the eating of GMOs. It’s the food companies that have banned the selling of it because of consumer concern.

Jonathan: And is that still current to this day? Is Nestle still eliminating the GMOs from the products that they’re selling in Europe?

Jeffrey: Y eah. Except animal feed. The animal feed-

Jonathan: That was my next big question.

Jeffrey: So right now, they never really did the animal feed thing in Europe. So most of the animal feed is still GMO for the milk, meat, and eggs and the vast majority is in the United States. There is some retailers in Europe that have committed to and follow through on their commitment to not allow animal feed. But it’s in most of the meat and milk and eggs products.

Jonathan: Highly frustrating. Just hearing you talk about it and knowing, this is 20 years ago that the studies came out and things happened. It’s 2019 and we’re still having the conversation. The lies are still happening. What’s the new law that came out now with the QR code now? So the big fight to have GMOs be labeled. Now nutritional companies can put a QR code and now you have to take a picture of it with your phone and then it can tell you if it has GMOs in it, right?

Jeffrey: Then you have navigate on their website to find out where that answer is. So we were fighting and by the way, we will get back. I do want to talk about how we get hammered by Roundup and how Roundup is not just a non-GMO which is why I talk about organic. So you talked about Jonathan about going non-GMO verified. I’m going to challenge you to go all you probably do anyway all whole hog organic.

Jonathan: Absolutely.

TeriAnn: Yeah.

Jonathan: Absolutely.

TeriAnn: And I think that’s important to talk.

Jonathan: We do both.

TeriAnn: Well, I think it’s an important point for the listeners, I was thinking about that as you were talking that I absolutely wanted to cover that. Let’s talk about organic versus non-GMO and the difference between the two and why they’re both important. Because I think that’s a concept that for people who have never been exposed to this before. They’re hearing non-GMO. They’re hearing organic and when you’re in the store, how do you choose, why do you choose what you’re choosing? And I think that’s what people need to understand. They need to hear what they’re selecting when it comes to their labels on their food.

Jeffrey: I’m going to give the bottom line then I’m going to explain why. The bottom line is if you had to choose between organic or non-GMO even the Non-GMO Project Verified organic is more important. And the best thing is to have both on the same label.

TeriAnn: Is this USDA certified organic?

Jeffrey: Yes.

TeriAnn: Okay. I just want to make that clear for listeners. So a lot of people say organic, we talk about that. A lot of people say organic or natural, but we’re talking-

Jeffrey: So when you use the word organic on the label, it’s regulated. If it’s a food, you can’t just put the word organic there unless you’re going with the USDA definitions. But natural means nothing. Let’s be clear. Let’s be a word cop here. If something says natural just cross that out and read the actual ingredients. All right, so why do I say organic is more important? Well, let’s just talk about Roundup for a second.

Jeffrey: Roundup we know is sprayed on the six major GMOs. There’s also five GMOs that are not sprayed with Roundup. And what we’ll cover those too and we want to avoid both the GMOs and the Roundup. But Roundup is also sprayed on grains just before harvest. It’s sprayed on wheat, barley, rye, oats. It’s sprayed on the beans and legumes like lentils and kidney beans and mung beans. It’s sprayed on potato fields and sweet potato fields in citrus orchards and vineyards. It’s found in our orange juice in our wine. It’s found all over the food supply and in beer.

Jeffrey: And it is found because it is sprayed on non-GMO products just before harvest as a desiccant to dry down the product before harvest. And so it’s right there. It goes into the crop. You can’t wash it off, it’s systemic. It gets driven right into the crop and some of the highest concentrations are not on GMOs. Certainly, the GMOs are high concentrations but oats are through the roof, kidney beans through the roof. So in order to avoid Roundup if you just do non-GMO. You get a non-GMO loaf of bread or non-GMO oatmeal.

Jeffrey: Oatmeal’s huge. They found Roundup or glyphosate, which is the active ingredient, the main poison. They found residues and in all these oat breakfast cereals for children. Non-GMO still has the oats. It has the Roundup. So that means you have to go organic. Organic doesn’t allow either Roundup or GMOs and it doesn’t allow a lot of other stuff like atrazine and neonicotinoids and other things you never heard of or maybe you have and you want to avoid if you’ve heard of them. So that’s one reason why I say organic.

Jeffrey: Now I also said organic and non-GMO project verified on the same label is actually the best possible thing because, in organics, you don’t have to test for GMO contamination. But if you get Non-GMO Project Verified, and you have any at-risk ingredients, then you do have to get tested. So if they’re on the same label then it’s not only not allowed, but if there is contamination it’s likely to have been discovered. And then if there are contaminants above the threshold and it’s diverted to a different source.

TeriAnn: I think that’s so important for people to understand. It’s not just do non-GMO or do organic, organic non-GMO because of the process that occurs with the food and harvesting the food. I don’t know that a lot of people truly understand that full process and I think it’s so important to educate people on that. Help them to understand why having both and a lot more now you’re seeing that on labels organic and non-GMO.

Jeffrey: The thing is this, I’m being clear because a lot of people will put non-GMO on their own. A non-GMO project verification does require the testing. If you just put the word non-GMO then you get to decide what your test is. That’s your choice. And so you may or may not test it. You may simply have affidavits, you may simply tell your suppliers, it’s non-GMO. If it’s organic, it’s not allowed to be GMO. And so the only reason why I put two of theirs that if it says non-GMO project verified, it means that if there’s at-risk ingredients, if there’s soy or corn or cottonseed oil, it wouldn’t be cottonseed oil probably. Because almost all of it is GMO.

Jeffrey: It will be tested at the input stage to make sure it’s not above their 0.9% threshold. So it’s an added bonus. But in reality, organic is not allowed to contain GMOs. So it is by nature non-GMO. Now, it’s not going to be necessarily 100% pure all the time. It’s the nature of nature. Pollen travels, wind blows, glyphosate is found in the rain and in the air because it’s the most used agricultural chemical in history. So even products that are isolated, grown carefully as organic may have a small amount. And that’s something we all have to accept because that’s the facts. So we minimize our exposure by going to organic. It’s not 100% guarantee. And so I just wanted to make that clear.

TeriAnn: No, I think it’s a really important point and I think all of this has been fascinating today and we are going to cover more in another podcast with Jeffery. And I think it’s going to be a great segue into what we’re covering next. We’re going to talk a little bit more about the myths versus truth. When it comes to GMOs, we’re going to talk about detoxing from GMOs. Now, we’ve talked about how this came about, the issues that we’re facing, the fraud that’s happened, the money that’s behind this.

TeriAnn: We’ve talked about how it’s impacting our health, especially in America. And we’re excited when we come back with Jeffery again, we’re going to talk about detoxing from GMOs. We’re going to educate you more on information around it. We’re going to talk a little bit more about Secret Ingredients your documentary. And so, yeah, this has been very fascinating today. I know I’ve learned a lot and I’m sure the listeners have as well.

Jonathan: Yeah, and I don’t want to stop talking. By the way, I want us to just keep going. So we’ll roll into a second podcast here in just a minute. I just want to make sure that we wrap this up and make sure that everybody goes to Register there so you can watch it for free. Share this with your friends, with your family, your mom, your dad. Everybody needs to know about this. We’re going to talk more about it, but it’s a damn shame that it’s gone this long and that people are still getting educated.

Jonathan: So do your part. If you’re awake, if you’ve been woken up during this podcast, you’ve been awake for years, you kind of owe it to the rest of humanity to share this movie with others and help wake more people up so that we can make a difference. We’ve done a lot of podcasts where we talk about the importance of organic ingredients in your supplements. And talking about the supplements are a high concentration of that plant or ingredient. And if you’re not getting an organic or non-GMO, now you’re just getting high concentrations of Roundup, glyphosate and all these other things in your supplement. So it’s very important to us and we’re very passionate about it.

Jonathan: And so I love having you on the show, Jeffrey. I don’t want to talking about it, but I am going to end part one here. Please, everybody, go to You can also go to for the show notes and you will find all of the links to all of Jeffery’s books, to all of his documentaries, and anything else you need as we talk about different research that’s happened and we can give different resources and all of that. So thank you, everybody, for listening and we will see you on part two.

TeriAnn: Have a great day everyone.

Jeffrey: Safe eating.


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