5 Easy Steps to Prevent Heart Disease Daily

Written by Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Video Transcript:

If you are looking to prevent heart disease, I’m going to share with you five easy ways to maximize your cardiovascular health.

Cut The Sugar

So number one, this is the least discussed topic with many cardiologists and their patients, but it is at the core root of heart disease. And that is – cutting out sugar. Sugar is actually the number one leading cause of heart disease because sugar causes metabolic syndrome. It increases our insulin levels, it can increase our blood sugar, and it has a direct relation to the increases patients see with their blood pressure levels. When individuals curb the sugar intake in their diets, research shows it decreases the risk for heart disease.

Eat More Fats and Less Carbs   

Number two is reach for more fats and less carbs. And this is piggybacking on keto diet focus, where individuals are utilizing more fats for energy than they are carbs. So, a lot of people don’t realize that carbohydrates – even more complex carbohydrates – ultimately end up turning into sugar in the body. And that leads to, again, an increase in insulin, increase in your blood sugar levels. And ultimately, carbs and sugar-dense diets create a situation where individuals present with insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.

The reason why we recommend eating more fat is, fat is an energy. So, consuming healthy fats like coconut oil, and ghee, and even flaxseed oil are going to be healthier than consuming carbs. And carbs actually are the… I’m going to take that back. Carbs can lead to subcutaneous fat increases as well, as visceral fat increases – that’s fat around your organ matter. So, it’s really critical that you look at making some subtle switches and adding healthier fat to your diet. The other thing that adding fat does to support your body is it will help balance out hormone levels. And we often see healthy fats will actually increase your HDL levels.

Increase Antioxidant Levels

Number three is increasing your antioxidant levels. Antioxidants are really important for lowering free radical damage and offsetting oxidative stress. We find that individuals who have heart disease or an assortment of cardiovascular impairments, when we test them, they have low antioxidant levels and high inflammatory markers. So antioxidants and inflammation go hand in hand – we have low antioxidants, we’ll have high inflammatory markers. So, the best way to address inflammation is to level up your antioxidants.

I’m going to share with you some amazing resources that we have here at Organixx. My favorite antioxidant blend is our Turmeric 3D. This is so wonderful because turmeric is a very powerful antioxidant, and this is in a fermented form that makes it way more bioavailable, so you’re getting the max dose of antioxidants in this supplement.

The other thing that we find is that functional mushrooms can also deliver antioxidants. One of my favorite mushrooms is chaga. And the 7M+, this is listed as an antioxidant support because of chaga and some of the other mushrooms in the supplement. Chaga is the most naturally occurring antioxidant on what we call the org scale. It is the number-one natural organism on the antioxidant scale.

And so, adding Turmeric 3D and 7M+ to your diet is a really good way to power up your antioxidant. And another recommendation I have is to add CoQ10. That’s a powerful antioxidant. And if you follow along here this month, because it’s heart disease month, I’ll be talking a little bit more in-depth about CoQ10. So look for that email.

Consume More Magnesium

Now, my fourth recommendation is to consume more magnesium. And I like to recommend a complete magnesium blend, a comprehensive assortment of magnesium forms. And here at Organixx, we have Magnesium 7. This is so fantastic because magnesium is an amazing mineral that directly impacts our heart health.

And in fact, a lot of studies showcase that individuals with heart disease, or folks that have heart arrhythmias, heart attacks, or vascular impairment; they have lower magnesium levels. And my recommendation, if you are dealing with any diagnosed heart disease, is to take Magnesium 7 two times daily. And that would give you a good, broad, continuous level of magnesium supplementation. And make sure you ask your doctors to test your magnesium because unfortunately, that is not considered or evaluated in our normal chem panels, so it’s important to evaluate those levels. And I’ll be talking more about magnesium as well in future content here this month.

Manage Stress Levels   

And last and final, number five is to manage your stress levels. Stress can cause heart disease. Stress is the root of a lot of inflammatory disorders and it can stress our cardiovascular system. So, there are some recommendations here:

Exercising obviously is a good one for reducing stress, but exercising 30 minutes or less is really ideal. The other thing I recommend is to meditate or reach for some sort of breathing, lowering-of-your-stress-level activity. It can be transcendental meditation, it can be Kundalini yoga, but incorporating breathing and stress management are very powerful at reducing and preventing heart disease. And then the last and final in stress management is to reach for adaptogens, which you’re going to find in the 7M+ here. This mushroom blend is rich in adaptogens that help your body adapt to and manage stress every day.

So, those are my five tips for preventing heart disease daily. I’m so excited for you to try these out in your lives.

Turmeric 3D from Organixx provides you one of the most “bioavailable” forms of turmeric due to its unique fermentation process. This means your body experiences the maximum benefits of the purest, most potent turmeric available!

Turmeric 3D - Healthy Inflammation Support
Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, holds a Masters in Holistic Nutrition and a Doctorate of Naturopathy. In addition to providing expert guidance to Organixx, Dr. Melissa maintains a busy private practice in Texas. Her primary focus is working with individuals addressing digestive disorders, hormone balance, detoxification therapies, and primary and secondary lymphedema cases through lymphatic decongestive treatments.


  1. Hello Dr. Melissa, I have been a customer for a few years taking the tumeric 3d. I would like to increase my ashwagandha but I have no idea what mg I am taking in 3d. Could you send me tumeric and ashwagandha amounts. Thank you

    • Hi Carl, Thank you for your support! We are glad to know you are finding the product useful. Our Turmeric 3D product has 480mg of Turmeric per serving. It also has 160mg of KSM-66 Ashwagandha per serving. I hope you find this information helpful. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hello Dr. Melissa

    I started using the Magnesium 7, I felt like a unusual feeling in my head--like not dizzy but off sorry i can not explain more. this happened both times i took the supplement. Question is there anything in the product that would cause this. Went away when i did not take . Only took 2 times. My doctor said looked like a good product when I took the print out of information before i purchased.

    Thank you for all information you can give me

    Pam Benjamin

    • Hi Pamela, Oh no! We are so sorry to hear that about this. No, there are know known ingredients that generally cause this type of reaction included in the product. However, we are all unique individuals with different tolerance levels. Unfortunately, your body chemistry may be incompatible with the types of magnesium included or the amounts. Or it could be interacting with something else in your diet or supplement/medication routine. Your doctor will be able to look into your specific needs when it comes to your magnesium levels. We appreciate you giving us a try and are sorry that the product was not a good fit for you. Please review our world class refund/return policy here. https://shop.organixx.com/pages/return-policy I hope you are able to take advantage of it. :) Have an awesome day!

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