The Top 7 Foods That Help Skin Look Amazing

Written by Nikki Lyn Pugh

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When we are young, we don’t think about our skin much except perhaps to cover up pesky acne or how we can get a good tan. Priorities change, of course, as we age. Acne and blemishes may still be issues for us, but instead of covering them up with gobs of concealer, our years have hopefully made us wiser. Now we know that in order to achieve soft, silky, beautiful skin, it has to come from the inside out.

Take a look at these seven foods good for skin that can help you have radiant skin at any age. Many of them are chock full of antioxidants, “healthy” fats, and phytonutrients that can help reduce lines, wrinkles, prevent melanoma, and make you feel great in the process!

7 Foods Good for Skin

#1 – WATER.woman-drinking-glass-of-water-looking-outside

Maybe it goes without saying, but seriously − staying hydrated is probably the BEST thing you can do for your skin (as well as for your entire body).

Your skin is the largest organ on your body and, just like any other organ, it is made up of cells. Cells need to be hydrated in order to work properly. When you don’t drink enough fresh, filtered water, your cells suffer and this shows in the form of dry, rough, wrinkly skin.

The body itself is made up of between 60 and 70% water. The water in your system and your skin work together to regulate dozens of functions in the body, not the least of which is temperature. According to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, in addition to drinking at least half your weight in ounces of water per day, you can also “seal in” hydration by applying a chemical-free, preservative-free moisturizer to your skin right after you get out of the shower or tub.


Not only does green tea give you a lift, according to several studies, the plant-based antioxidants in green tea can provide your skin with great protection from environmental pollutants and overexposure to ultraviolent radiation from the sun.

According to a study conducted in 2012 by University Hospitals Medical Center and Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, green tea is an “abundant source” of plant polyphenols which can be chemoprotectant and skin protectant through boosting the immune system.

When we’re young, healthy skin is not typically the first thing on our minds. But as we get older, we learn that skin health comes from the inside out. Watch this video to learn how to keep your skin looking youthful! 


This especially includes spinach, kale, collard greens, and watercress. Spinach has shown to improve digestion and help with flushing out toxins because of its high fiber and sulphur content. Kale and watercress are definitely a friend to your skin because of their high vitamin C content.

Although research regarding Vitamin C and skin health in particular is rare, according to the Linus Pauling Institute, the antioxidant properties of vitamin C as well as its role in collagen synthesis help make it a very important molecule for skin health. This is because ascorbic acid is found in both the dermis and epidermis layers.

Aging and too much sun exposure can lower the amount of vital vitamin C in the skin overall. According to a study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, overexposure to ozone as well as oxidative damage can effect vitamin C stores in the epidermis in particular.

Keep in mind that one cup of kale can contain 134% of the US Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C. So try to get your kale on every day for skin and overall health!


Healthy skin relies partly on the presence of a solid lipid (fat) layer in the hypodermis. Without this, skin begins to sag. One way to ensure a healthy lipid layer is to consume healthy fats such as monounsaturated fatty acids and Omega 3s. Olive oil is one of the best sources of monounsaturated fatty acids.

A 2012 study published in the journal PLOS ONE analyzed the eating habits of over 1,200 women and over 1,600 men. They discovered that those who had a higher consumption of olive oil (more than 2 teaspoons a day) had significantly fewer signs of aging compared to those who ate less than 1 teaspoon per day.

Other sources of healthy fats include avocados, eggs, sunflower seeds, almonds, pine nuts, walnuts, and brazil nuts. Many nuts and seeds have hefty amounts of vitamin E in them which supports healthy skin growth.

The high vitamin E content in sunflower seeds has been shown to reduce severe acne in research studies. Brazil nuts in particular are excellent for skin health because of their high selenium content. Studies show that high-selenium diets can help reduce your risk of cancer, including skin cancer.


Of course, the high anti-oxidant content (in the form resveratrol and other phytonutrients) in red and purple-colored berries make them ideal candidates for overall health and can protection your skin from environmental pollutants as well. Many kinds of berries also provide your body with key vitamins and minerals which enhance skin health.

Blackberries in particular are a great source of vitamin K, which helps the body’s blood clotting processes. Vitamin K is also reported to help heal wounds and lessen scarring after injury or surgery.

Blueberries are a nutritional powerhouse for the total body with proven anti-cancer and neuroprotective properties. Dark colored berries contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that help to shield the skin from free radicals that can damage the collagen in your skin. Blueberries, like all berries, also contain high amounts of vitamin C.


The benefits of bone broth to your immune system and gut health are many, but did you know that consuming quality bone broth on a regular basis can also help your skin maintain its elasticity and glow?

This is because bone broth contains collagen, which is extracted from the marrow part of the bone as it boils.

Collagen, along with keratin and elastin, is one of the major proteins that make up the skin; collagen alone represents about 70 percent of the overall protein in this organ. Collagen helps give strength to tissues and may even help improve skin barrier functions, according to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.


Believe it or not, consuming mushrooms can not only boost your immune system, they can also significantly help with skin tone and skin hydration as well as prevent sagging.

There are actually quite a few mushroom types that contain substances that can give your skin a lift. Medicinal mushrooms contain polysaccharides which are able to help hydrate skin similar to hyaluronic acid, the body’s “natural moisturizer.”

Shiitake mushrooms, along with other kinds of mushroom, contain kojic acid. Kojic acid is known to be a natural skin toner and lightener and some studies have connected kojic acid to inhibiting melatonin production on skin.

Many medicinal mushrooms – such as shiitake, reishi, and turkey tail mushrooms – also contain powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. These compounds can not only help protect the skin from environmental pollutants and oxidative stress, but may also provide support for inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema.
List of 7 foods good for skin

Your Skin is Affected by What Goes On It and What Goes In It

Remember that not only does your skin absorb everything you put on it, as the largest organ on your body, it is also intricately affected to every nutrient and harmful chemical you put in your body as well.

It makes sense that the seven foods good for skin mentioned above are also some of the best foods you can consume for your body as a whole. The logic is simple – what is good for the inside is good for the outside as well.

In addition, there are some things you should NOT put in your body that can help your skin health significantly. These include the “common culprits” that can lead to disease of all kinds:

  • Sugary foods
  • GMO foods
  • Trans fats
  • Preservatives and additives
  • Commercial meats that contain hormones and antibiotics
  • Unfiltered tap water

Most of all, if you use a sunscreen, lotion, or cream on your skin – whether it is for your face, your arms, your feet or your entire body – make sure it is preservative-free and all natural. Did you know that of the 10,000 chemicals used in personal care products, only 13% have been tested for safety!

Take care of your skin by being mindful of what you put ON your skin from the outside and how you affect your skin organ from the INSIDE as well. By doing this, you can not only have beautiful skin, you may also have amazing health at any age!

7M+ from Organixx contains 7 of nature’s most powerful mushrooms for anti-aging, longevity, and immune support. Using centuries-old knowledge of the power of nutritional mushrooms and our breakthrough new formulation process we’ve unleashed the power of mushrooms in a way never before done.

Nikki Lyn Pugh
Nikki Lyn Pugh, MFA, INHC is a natural health researcher and writer. She is also an integrative nutritional health coach specializing in autoimmune conditions, chronic stress, and energy medicine. She loves to inspire people to become empowered with their health through education and gentle guidance. Nikki lives and works in Cottonwood, AZ, with her bunny "Mr. Dot."

Article Summary

  • When we’re young, we usually only think about covering up acne or how we can get a good tan. But healthy, beautiful skin actually needs to come from the inside out.

  • Here are 7 foods good for skin that can help you have radiant skin at any age:

    1. Water
    2. Green tea
    3. Green leafy vegetables
    4. Healthy fats
    5. Berries
    6. Bone broth
    7. Mushrooms
  • There are foods you should NOT put in your body if you want a healthy skin and body. These include the “common culprits” that can lead to disease of all kinds:

    • Sugary foods
    • GMO foods
    • Trans fats
    • Preservatives and additives
    • Commercial meats that contain hormones and antibiotics
    • Unfiltered tap water
  • If you use any cosmetics, lotions, or creams on your skin, make sure it does not contain toxic chemicals. Of the 10,000 chemicals used in personal care products, only 13% have been tested for safety.


    • Thanks for this valuable info with the exception of BONE BROTH! Been a vegetarian for 47 years and a vegan for 1 and 1/2 years. Studies have shown there is no need for any animal products (except for dairy during the growing years). The animals are part of God's creation. Why should we prolong their suffering when we can be healthy without consuming them?! Dr. Michael Greger MD ( has based his views on scientific studies and a vegan life style supports this. Our Indian teacher Sri Sri Thakur ( has supported the same findings and has inspired us with his love for all living beings. Blessings to all!

      • God gave certain animals as food after the Fall and the Flood. Jesus Himself ate meat and fish. The Fall created many divisions including the division in nature between predator and prey. God always works with what is available to guide us and restrain our natural impulses and the food laws demonstrate this. My wife keeps to a plant based diet so I understand your position but it is a personal decision and not commanded by God.

      • I agree that "animal bone broth" has no place in a healthy diet!

        The only way would be to make sure that the animal that it came from was not fed the GMO's and poisons and that it is certified ORGANIC!

        I have been a vegetarian since 1985 and have been in excellent health because of it.

          • I usually do not reply to comments, but I felt I had to share this. I was a vegan for 15 years. At first I felt OK and liked the idea that I was eating a "clean" diet. However, I had to end the vegan diet because I started to get progressively tired. I got to a point where I could barely function I was so fatigued. After seeing two doctors who really were no help to me, I found one who looked at my tests and told me I was eating too many carbs. He gave me a list of meats and poultry and organ meats and told me to eat from this list. I was horrified! But, I was desperate. So I gave up my vegan diet and re-introduced meat and poultry into my diet. I continued with it and started to feel much better. People have since asked me if I felt nausea when I first re-introduced beef into my diet. My answer was surprising even to me -- when I had my first taste of beef after 15 years, I loved the taste and was surprised how much I'd missed it. Since then I've been eating a diet very much like the Mediterranean Diet, eating meat (now only grass-fed), poultry, and fish along with veggies and some fruit. I would never again go back to a vegan diet because I discovered the hard way that it doesn't meet my body's needs. My take on all this? Don't eat according to a philosophy or someone else's dietary choices.. Instead be open, take the time to explore and find out what foods energize your body, and let that be your guide.

      • About vegan and vegetarian:

        In the second and in the third generation it is comming to problems. Children of this people do not only have fysicle but often also psychical problems.......But now one wants to hear about that information.

        • I think you will find that eating meat can be the main cause of cancer. Also nowhere did God say you had to eat animals - Just saying.

          • Grass fed meats and wild caught fish...or the natural way creatures ate chemicals or toxins there are too many now in this industrisluzed world that affects the animals/fish negatively...which in turn affects us negatively. Eating clean meats does not cause cancer...toxins and chemicals do. Our minds and bodies do not know how to function naturally, as it was designed to do, because of pharmaceuticals, poor diets of processed foods, no exercise, stress, environmental toxins, EMFs. For some, a plant based diet may be necessary, but a diet of clean meats does not cause cancer.

      • God created all living things both Plant and Animal. He provided them for us--as clothing (see adam and eve in the garden) for food (for us and themselves--many carnivores among Gods creation) and as service (horses, camels, oxen etc) Diet Preference OK, however not based upon Gods law or creation. Just Saying!

  1. An Exelent article.

    I teach this to my patients. Now I can print it out and give them a copy.

    Thank you.

    Keep up with the good work.

    Being Vegan myself, I haven't accepted the bone broth but do take plant protein supplement.

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