Is collagen good for the heart?

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, and it’s a major component of many tissues including skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. It’s also found in blood vessels, where it helps keep them strong and elastic. Most people associate collagen with beauty benefits like smoother skin and fewer wrinkles. But this protein also plays an important role in supporting the health of your heart.

Collagen is essential for the structure and function of blood vessels. It helps keep them strong and elastic, which is important for preventing leaks and keeping blood pressure under control. Collagen also helps keep cholesterol from building up on artery walls, which can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

So, is collagen good for the heart? The short answer is: yes! Collagen has been shown to help reduce inflammation and improve heart health. It can also help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, both of which are risk factors for heart disease. So if you’re looking for ways to keep your heart healthy, adding collagen to your diet may be a good option.

Let’s get into the details of the benefits that collagen can have for your heart. 

A Quick Primer on Collagen

Collagen peptides are made from collagen, and they’re used as an ingredient in many supplements. You can get them in powder, gel, liquid, tablet, capsule, and even spray forms.

Collagen peptides are often marketed as being beneficial for joint health, skincare, hair growth, wound healing, etc. However, there isn’t much scientific evidence showing that collagen peptides work better than other ingredients in these products.

What we do know is that collagen peptides are a source of the amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are important for the structure and function of many tissues in the body, including the skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. 

Glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline make up around 30% of the amino acids in collagen peptides. The other 70% are made up of other amino acids that are important for the body, but they’re not as concentrated in collagen peptides as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. 

Collagen Benefits for Your Heart 

Not only is collagen beneficial for the aesthetics of your body, such as your skin, nails, and hair, but it’s also extremely advantageous to the inner workings of your system as well! Here are some of the benefits that collagen has on your heart: 

1. Collagen Can Help Reduce Inflammation 

Inflammation is a response by your body’s immune system to something that’s causing harm. It can be caused by infection, injury, or disease. Chronic inflammation is a major risk factor for heart disease. Taking collagen peptides has been shown to help reduce inflammation.

2. Collagen Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels 

High cholesterol occurs when there’s too much of a certain type of fat in your blood. This can lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Collagen has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. 

3. Collagen Can Help Lower Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure is another major risk factor for heart disease. Collagen peptides have been shown to help lower blood pressure, making you feel better inside and out.  

4. Collagen Can Help Keep Arteries Strong

Collagen is a major component of blood vessels. It helps keep them strong and elastic, which is important for preventing leaks and keeping blood pressure under control. Strong arteries are important to keep your heart in tip-top shape.

5. Collagen Can Help Keep Cholesterol from Building Up on Artery Walls 

Cholesterol can build up on artery walls and lead to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). This is a major risk factor for heart disease. Collagen can help keep cholesterol from building up on artery walls, which can reduce the risk of heart disease

There are many factors that contribute to heart health. Collagen has been shown to help improve some of these factors. Adding collagen to your diet may be a good way to help keep your heart healthy.

Sleep Better with Collagen

Collagen has many benefits for the body, including reducing inflammation and helping to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. It can also help keep arteries strong and prevent cholesterol from building up on artery walls.

All of these benefits are important for maintaining heart health, but collagen peptides may also be beneficial for sleep. Let’s take a look at what collagen can do for your sleep and in turn how that affects your body: 

How does sleep impact the heart?

The vascular system undergoes characteristic changes between sleep and waking, including vasoconstriction in the upper body. It’s believed that this leads to an increase in blood pressure during sleep. Sleep loss makes the heart work harder by making it use more oxygen. 

By getting more sleep, you’re allowing your heart to rest and preventing it from working too hard. This is important for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.

How does collagen impact sleep?

Several studies have shown that taking collagen before bed can help improve sleep quality. One study showed that taking a collagen supplement before bed improved sleep quality and reduced the amount of time it took to fall asleep. 

Another study showed that taking a hydrolyzed collagen supplement before bed improved sleep quality and reduced the number of awakenings during the night. A third study found that taking a collagen supplement before bed improved self-reported measures of sleep quality.

The benefits of more sleep

Not only does sleep have a positive impact on the heart, but it also has benefits for the entire body. When you sleep, your body is able to repair itself. This includes repairing damaged cells and tissue, as well as growing new cells and tissue. 

Sleep is also important for regulating hormones, including those that impact hunger and fullness (leptin and ghrelin). Getting enough sleep can help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important for heart health.

Collagen for Heart Health

Supplementing with collagen may help prevent heart disease. Glycine is an amino acid found naturally in meats and dairy products. Adding glycine to your diet may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Collagen peptides may also help reduce inflammation and prevent plaque buildup in arteries. Hydrolyzed collagen may help protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation.

Glycine is an amino acid that helps lower cholesterol in the body. Collagen is an important protein found in connective tissues throughout the human body. Taking collagen decreases the amount of cholesterol in the body.

Studies show that people with high cholesterol have higher amounts of glycine in their bodies than those with normal cholesterol levels. People who take collagen have lower cholesterol levels.

Collagen is a protein that helps give skin strength and elasticity. A higher level of collagen may help prevent heart disease by keeping arteries flexible.

The Heart-Boosting Benefits of Collagen You May Not Be Aware of

You may have heard of collagen in relation to beauty products like anti-aging creams and serums, but did you know that this protein also offers a range of health benefits? Collagen is a major component of the human body, and it plays an important role in supporting the heart. Here are some ways that collagen can help keep your heart healthy:

1. Collagen helps to keep blood vessels healthy and strong. This is important because blood vessels are responsible for transporting blood throughout the body. When they are damaged or weakened, it can lead to a number of problems, including heart disease.

2. Collagen also helps to regulate cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, so keeping it under control is vital for maintaining a healthy heart.

3. Collagen can help to prevent atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of arteries. This condition narrows the arteries and makes it difficult for blood to flow freely. This can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke.

4. Finally, collagen promotes healthy blood clotting. This is important because when there is an injury, blood needs to clot in order to prevent excessive bleeding. unhealthy blood clotting can be a

Whether you’re taking collagen to keep your skin glowing and your nails strong or you’re hoping to boost your heart health and bone density,  there’s no doubt that this unique protein plays a vital role in keeping your body healthy and functioning properly.

In Conclusion

While more research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms by which collagen benefits the heart, there’s no doubt that this nutrient is important for overall health. If you’re looking to improve your cardiovascular health, adding collagen to your diet is a good place to start.

Though collagen has been shown to have a positive impact on heart health, it’s not the only benefit of this amazing protein. Collagen also helps improve sleep quality, skin health, joint function and more. If you’re looking for an all-in-one supplement to improve your overall health, collagen may be the right choice for you. Have you tried collagen yet? What benefits have you noticed?

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens


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