Collagen Peptides: Uses, Side Effects, & Everything Else

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissues of animals and humans. It’s responsible for giving these tissues their strength and elasticity. Collagen peptides are short chains of amino acids that are derived from collagen. These peptides have many potential health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving joint health, and boosting muscle mass. 

Collagen peptides are usually sourced from cow or chicken skin or bone. They can be consumed in powder form or added to foods and beverages. When taken as a supplement, collagen peptides are typically absorbed better than other sources of collagen, such as gelatin. This makes them a popular choice for those looking to improve their health. 

This article is going to go over what exactly collagen peptides do, the different types of collagen, the many advantages to taking supplements, and more! 

What are collagen peptides?

As we’ve already deduced, collagen is a type of protein that is found throughout the human body, in muscle, skin, bones, and tendons. Collagen is a long chain amino acid, meaning it’s very difficult for our body to absorb and put to use. But, collagen plays an important role in connective tissue, and helps to keep our tissues strong and healthy. This is where collagen peptides come into play!

Collagen peptides are a specific type of collagen derived from the breakdown of collagen proteins. They are made up of small chains of amino acids, which makes them easier for the body to absorb and use. They are formed through the hydrolysis of collagen breaking down long chain animal collagen into smaller molecules. This makes the collagen much easier for our body to absorb. The word ‘peptides’ is actually refers to short chains of amino acids.

Where do collagen peptides come from?

Collagen peptides are extracted from the collagen in animal bones, skin, and connective tissue. Cows, chickens, pigs, fish, and eggshell membranes are all common sources for harvesting collagen peptides.

The process of hydrolysis breaks down collagen into collagen peptides (why you’ll often hear these referred to as “hydrolyzed collagen” or “collagen hydrolysate”). Our bodies need collagen to benefit from it, so it must be broken down into these amino acid chains in order for us to absorb it through our digestive system and into our bloodstream.

The different types of collagen peptides

Collagen provides different benefits based on the source that the collagen was derived from. There are many types of collagen (28 known types found in the human body to be exact) and each one has a unique amino acid profile. Because of this, the different types of collagen can serve different purposes and help different parts of the body. Below are the first 8 different types of collagen and what purpose they serve in our body.

Collagen Type I

Collagen Type I is one of the many types of collagen, and it makes up 90% of all the collagen in our bodies. It can be found in our skin, bones, tendons, and muscles. Collagen Type I is responsible for maintaining the strength and elasticity of our skin. It also helps to repair injured tissue and promote healing. Additionally, collagen Type I has been shown to improve digestion and gut health, as well as boost immunity.

Collagen Type II

Type II collagen is a particularly important type of collagen, as it’s responsible for giving our cartilage its strength and elasticity. Type II supplements can help to improve joint health, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy skin and nails. So if you’re looking for a way to keep your body feeling young and healthy, consider adding some collagen type II to your diet.

Collagen Type III

Collagen III is predominantly found in the extracellular matrix of young tissue and plays an important role in wound healing. It’s also present in healthy skin, hair, and nails. When our body produces less collagen III, we may start to see signs of aging, such as wrinkles or thinning hair. Supplementing with collagen III can help to restore youthful levels and improve the health of our skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, collagen III has been shown to promote gut health and reduce inflammation. 

Collagen Type IV

Type IV collagen forms a “net” that helps to keep cells in place and provides support for new cell growth. It also helps to protect against damage from ultraviolet radiation and other environmental stressors. In addition, type IV collagen plays a role in wound healing and plays an important role in preventing cancer. Although it is found throughout the body, this type of collagen is concentrated in the skin, which is why it is often used in topical skincare products. 

Collagen Type V

Collagen type V is a particularly important type of collagen, as it helps to support the function of our blood vessels, bones, and tendons. In addition, collagen type V has been shown to play a role in wound healing. When we are injured, collagen type V helps to repair the damage by forming new blood vessels and cells. It also helps to reduce inflammation and scarring.

Collagen Type VI

Unlike other types of collagen, type VI collagen is particularly resistant to stress and tension. This makes it an essential part of our body’s structure. Type VI collagen also plays a role in wound healing, just like type V. With all of these important functions, it’s no wonder that type VI collagen is sometimes referred to as the “super protein.”

Collagen Type VII

Collagen Type VII is one of the most important types of collagen for skin health. It helps to anchor the outer layer of skin to the underlying tissue, providing support and strength. This type of collagen also plays a role in wound healing, as it helps to form new blood vessels and promote cell growth. In addition, Collagen Type VII helps to protect the skin from UV rays and other environmental damage. 

Collagen Type VIII

Type VIII collagen is one of the less well-known types, but it plays an important role in keeping our eyes healthy. This type of collagen is found in the cornea, which is the clear, outer layer of the eye. It helps to keep the cornea smooth and bouncy, and it also helps to protect the eye from harmful UV rays. Without collagen type VIII, our eyes would be more susceptible to damage from the sun and other environmental factors. Thankfully, this vital protein can be found in many different foods, including fish, poultry, and beef. So make sure to include plenty of these collagen-rich foods in your diet to keep your eyes healthy and protected!

The type of collagen you take will depend on your own personal needs. Some people find that they respond better to one collagen source over another. If you’re unsure, it might be a good idea to try out a few different types. Oftentimes taking a supplement with a combination of the collagen types is a great option for people wanting to support their overall health.

Why does collagen matter?

Collagen plays a vital role in the health of your skin, bones and connective tissues, keeping joints strong, making skin elastic and helping protect your organs, as well as other functions. Simply put, collagen holds your body together.

Starting in your 20s, though, your body starts losing collagen. By the age of 40, you’re likely to lose about 1% of your bodily collagen per year, and menopause speeds up that loss, which contributes to wrinkles, stiff joints, worn-down cartilage and decreased muscle mass.

The main amino acids also found in collagen supplements are found naturally in our body. They are not only important but they are the main building blocks for our body including hair, skin, nails, muscles, tendons and so on. Getting adequate amino acids/ collagen into our diet or daily routine can help our bodies remain in good health by providing these sufficient building blocks.  

How to pick a collagen supplement

When you take hydrolyzed collagen supplements, you’re taking in collagen peptides, primarily consisting of the amino acids, glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine. In short, collagen peptides are a supplement that can help your body replace its lost collagen. They’re a small, easily digestible form of collagen, a protein that occurs naturally in your body. 

What do collagen peptides do?

Collagen peptides are a supplemental form of collagen that can help to improve skin elasticity, reduce inflammation, and promote joint health. Peptides are short chains of amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body. When taken orally, collagen peptides help to stimulate the production of new collagen fibers. In addition, they help to reduce inflammation and promote tissue repair. As a result, collagen peptides offer a safe and effective way to combat the signs of aging.

Another important component to synthesizing collagen in addition to peptides is vitamin C. Adding vitamin C serums and oils into your daily collagen intake may actually help to boost your natural collagen production.

Collagen and Gut health

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, and it plays a vital role in gut health. This important protein helps to repair and heal the gut lining, and it also provides structure and support for the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, collagen helps to regulate the production of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. 

Furthermore, collagen promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which are essential for proper digestion. On top of all of that, collagen also aids in the absorption of nutrients from food. These benefits make collagen an essential part of a healthy diet, and there are many foods that are rich in this nutrient. 

There has been evidence that amino acids, such as glycine, found in collagen can reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and even aid digestion.

Joint and Bone Health

As we endure the natural decline of collagen production, we may notice more pain in our joints and even suffer certain conditions such as osteoarthritis. We may also face an increased risk of fractures as the bones weaken over time. 

Supplementing with collagen may help to reduce joint pain and improve bone density, making it an important part of any healthcare regimen. 

Wound Healing

Collagen is an essential part of the healing process, as it helps to close wounds and repair damaged tissue. When you have a cut or scrape, your body immediately begins to produce collagen to heal the wound. This process is known as inflammation, and it is a vital part of the healing process. 

In addition to its role in wound healing, collagen also helps to reduce the appearance of scars. This is because collagen promotes the production of new skin cells and blood vessels. As a result, scars will fade over time and become less visible.

Heart Health

Collagen is essential for the health of your cardiovascular system. This important protein helps to keep your blood vessels strong and flexible, which prevents them from breaking or rupturing. In addition, collagen helps to regulate blood pressure and prevent blood clots. 

A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for a long and healthy life, as it’s essentially the foundation of our circulatory system. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that we’re getting enough collagen in our diets in order to keep it functioning properly. 

Blood Pressure

Collagen can help to regulate blood pressure by keeping the blood vessels strong and flexible. This prevents them from breaking or rupturing, which can lead to dangerous health complications. In addition, collagen helps to prevent blood clots, which can also lead to serious health problems. 

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is essential for a long and healthy life, as it helps to prevent heart disease and stroke. 

Is it safe to take collagen supplements?

Yes, collagen supplements are safe for most people. When it comes to side effects, reports have been of very mild symptoms such as headaches or stomach issues. But as with any supplements, the U.S. FDA does not monitor collagen powders, so it’s important to look into what you’re taking before diving right in.  

How to choose a collagen supplement

When it comes to choosing a collagen supplement, there are many factors to consider. One of the most important things to look at is the source of the collagen. For example, bovine or marine collagen is often considered to be of higher quality than porcine or poultry collagen. 

Another thing to consider is the type of collagen. There are many different types of collagen, and each one has its own unique benefits. For example, type I collagen is the most abundant type of collagen in the body and is great for skin, hair, and nails. Type II collagen is found in cartilage and is great for joint health. 

Finally, it’s important to consider the purity of the collagen supplement. Make sure to look for a product that is free of GMOs, hormones, and other harmful additives. 

In Conclusion

So there you have it, everything you need to know about collagen and peptides. These two substances are essential for keeping your skin looking young and healthy, and there are a number of ways to incorporate them into your beauty routine.

Whether you choose to drink bone broth or use a topical serum, you’re sure to see a difference in the appearance of your skin. So don’t wait any longer, start your journey into the world of collagen peptides today!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens


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